What can you do internally to stop or decrease shedding?


New Member
I don't believe topical things such as garlic treatments can help me with my shedding(tried it before). How can something you apply to the length of your hair prevent hairs from coming out of the root, excessivly? Anyhow, are there any vitamins or veggies known to decrease shedding? I personanlly believe the best way to combat shedding is to handle things internally. I could be wrong, but I would like the give it a try. Also, I can't do any prescriptions or see a dermatologist.

tia :)
Well, everybody sheds. But are you shedding excessively? I know that flaxseed it good for improving the overall condition of your hair....maybe you cold try that.
JLove74 said:
Well, everybody sheds. But are you shedding excessively? I know that flaxseed it good for improving the overall condition of your hair....maybe you cold try that.

I think I am. I'm not bald nor is my scalp showing, yet, but my hair is noticeably thinner to me. And there's so much of my hair all over our place that it is like having a puppy or something :lol: My hair used to be thick and full, but now it looks only medium. I want my thick hair, that I used to hate so much, back. I'll try the flax b/c msm breaks me out and I'm not willing to jepordize my skin.

thanks :)
felicia said:
I don't believe topical things such as garlic treatments can help me with my shedding(tried it before). How can something you apply to the length of your hair prevent hairs from coming out of the root, excessivly? Anyhow, are there any vitamins or veggies known to decrease shedding? I personanlly believe the best way to combat shedding is to handle things internally. I could be wrong, but I would like the give it a try. Also, I can't do any prescriptions or see a dermatologist.

tia :)

I think you're right. Shedding can be the result of a deficency that our bodies are not getting enough of. You may want to start taking an iron supplement - either that or eat more foods rich in iron. I suspect that may be the reason some of the women on this board shed a lot. You can be anemic or borderline and not even know it unless you check with your doctor.
simone103 said:
I think you're right. Shedding can be the result of a deficency that our bodies are not getting enough of. You may want to start taking an iron supplement - either that or eat more foods rich in iron. I suspect that may be the reason some of the women on this board shed a lot. You can be anemic or borderline and not even know it unless you check with your doctor.

Simone, I think you maybe right. I've been experiencing shedding before and I also noticed that this was around the time of my cycle. In fact it was almost excessive. I noticed that during that time I am very weak, sleep all the time and fatique easily. Also notice that my hair breaks and sheds too, I will add iron & zinc to my supplement list.
Once I started taking my liquid iron supplement again, my shedding virtually stopped. I'm anemic, so I know it made a difference.
Not getting enough protein will cause shedding as well. You might want to try a protein supplement, or eating more protein rich foods. HTH
felicia said:
I don't believe topical things such as garlic treatments can help me with my shedding(tried it before). How can something you apply to the length of your hair prevent hairs from coming out of the root, excessivly? Anyhow, are there any vitamins or veggies known to decrease shedding? I personanlly believe the best way to combat shedding is to handle things internally. I could be wrong, but I would like the give it a try. Also, I can't do any prescriptions or see a dermatologist.

tia :)

Great thread, and I agree. I anticipate seeing the responses.
If you use artificial sweeteners, cutting back on those should help decrease shedding.

I used to drink one can of diet soda a day and my hair was fine, but when I starting drinking more than that - probably about 40 - 50 oz. a day - my hair started shedding a lot. My hairdresser thought I was on medication because I was shedding so much. When I cut back on the diet soda my hair went back to normal.
Excessive shedding can be caused by a thyroid condition or anemia. Anemia is not just the result of iron deficiency but also a b12 deficiency.
Zinc supplementation can limit excessive shedding as well (be sure your zinc to copper ratio remains in balance).

Scalp dermatitis increases shedding as well. There are topical solutions but research shows that nutrition plays a major role (allergies).

ETA: Don't forget to drink water, water, and more water!
dynamic1 said:
Scalp dermatitis increases shedding as well. There are topical solutions but research shows that nutrition plays a major role (allergies).

i kinda wondered about that b/c i have some of the other symptoms. my scalp has recently been itching uncontrollably, even when and after i'm washing it. i've always shed a lot, but never this much.
Geez. It sure would be great to find the answer to this one. Its one of the world's or at least my world's greatest wonders. I keep hearing about garlic shampoos and conditioners. I can't seem to find any so I bought some garlic oil and I will add a few drops to my prepoo at next wash and see what happens. I'm sick of seeing hair everywhere too.
Alli77 said:

Simone, I think you maybe right. I've been experiencing shedding before and I also noticed that this was around the time of my cycle. In fact it was almost excessive. I noticed that during that time I am very weak, sleep all the time and fatique easily. Also notice that my hair breaks and sheds too, I will add iron & zinc to my supplement list.

OP, I was experiencing the same things, hair falling out, fatigue and general lack of energy. A few months ago, my primary physician tested my levels and told me that I was seriously iron deficient. While an iron supplement may help, I think you should try to find exactly how much iron can help you. While the recommended average daily value is 18mg, it may not be enough for those who are seriously iron deficient. My doctor has me on 325 mgs of ferrous sulfate, which is roughly equivalent to 64mgs of elemental iron. I'm feeling better, but he's warned me that it'll be a few more months before my hair stops falling out. The body will take care of what's important first. The reason why I think you should see a doctor is they're the ones who can tell you how much iron to take without overdosing. i wish you a lot of luck. Keep us posted.
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Omega 3 fatty acid supplementation helped me alot. Before I went Vegan, I would eat wild caught salmon or sardines in Olive oil daily. This stopped my shedding completely!
Besides using the Nutrine Garlic shampoo I also take garlic capsules along with my other supplements. Not sure if this helps with internal shedding but I have not had a cold in a long time and normally every few weeks I am sick. So for one, it definately build up my immune system.
I had the same problem after giving birth. My PCP suggested taking vit high in iron (prenatal pills). You might also want to consider getting your thyroids check.