What styles work for fine curly hair in the "3s"?


New Member
I noticed some avatars and siggies of people with hair like mine-- fine, thin 3-somethin' curls (mixture of Scary Spice and some looser Jordin Sparks, Julianna Marguilies ones).

What styles are flattering on hair like ours? I feel like there are a lot of styles that I cannot pull off because it is not thick enough or more tightly coiled. For example, I think twists would look very "anemic" on me.

The only two styles I have ever done are wash-and-go curls w/ product, or a press/flat-iron. I had no other inspiration growing up because all the generations of women in my family have either relaxed, or do constant presses/blow-outs.

Can any ladies who fit my hair description post pics of various styles? And can others offer ideas?

Thank you! :trampolin
I believe I fit your description of hair. I SOOOOO want thicker hair to pull of some different styles. Two that I have found work well for me since starting my "health hair" journey are the twist-n-curl I found at curlynikki.com (she has a tutorial) and I do a bun for protective styling.

My first twist-n-curl was not the greatest, but as I began to take better care of my hair it got better. You can see it below. I am going to try the curly afro I saw on curlynikki next. The tutorial is not a part of nikki's but one of her friends.

I have several other pictures in my photo albulms. If you find any other new styles, be sure to share them :grin:


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I only style my hair after it's been washed/co-washed and alot of the time i'm heading out the door and having to do something simple.

I'm very basic (and lazy:look:) with my styling- I wear puffs with the little hump in front and sometimes i will twist my hair up and wear the back down or up:sad:

I've tried twists before and :nono:- my texture wasn't having it! They got really loose and it was a mess

Sometimes i wish i was 4a/b- i think styling would be alot versatile.

Sorry no pics
I believe I fit your description of hair. I SOOOOO want thicker hair to pull of some different styles. Two that I have found work well for me since starting my "health hair" journey are the twist-n-curl I found at curlynikki.com (she has a tutorial) and I do a bun for protective styling.

My first twist-n-curl was not the greatest, but as I began to take better care of my hair it got better. You can see it below. I am going to try the curly afro I saw on curlynikki next. The tutorial is not a part of nikki's but one of her friends.

I have several other pictures in my photo albulms. If you find any other new styles, be sure to share them :grin:

This was a wonderful and informative answer! Let me tell you: I honestly do not care if my hair stays at shoulder length forever. But I neeeeeeed thickness or body. (Yours even looks thicker than mine :) ).

I will keep my eyes open and post back in this thread, or PM you!

I've tried twists before and :nono:- my texture wasn't having it! They got really loose and it was a mess

Sometimes i wish i was 4a/b- i think styling would be alot versatile.

YES! Over the past few months I've been getting into haircare, I've been very impressed with the versatility of the most "cottony" hair types and textures. I know it is also very fragile, but there are so many styles that do not look ood on my fine and thin curls.

My little sister says braids/cornrows look like "worms" on me and that I have no business every being seen in public with them. :lachen: Thanks, sis.

There has to be something out there for my hair that is not a curly wash and go, a bun, or a press.

The search continues....and your answer is most appreciated; thank you dear!
Messy updos always looked great when I wore my hair curly. Or I would twist my hair in the front part way to the back, bobby pin, and leave the rest out. High pony tails worked great too. I would also rock two ponytails with a side part (not down the middle). It doesn't look as juvenile when you have ringlets for some reason.
I would like to know too....I can't figure out anything but a fresh wash n'go, or curly ponytails of varying heights. I would like to try a twist and curl, but I have to do it when I have time to experiment. I think my hair is too curly for it and that the length would be looser than the roots and look crazy.

Here's my hair in a wash n' go.

Good question. I suck at styles. I've been doing flexi-rod sets lately. Other than that it's wash n gos, buns, pony tails.
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Messy updos always looked great when I wore my hair curly. Or I would twist my hair in the front part way to the back, bobby pin, and leave the rest out. High pony tails worked great too. I would also rock two ponytails with a side part (not down the middle). It doesn't look as juvenile when you have ringlets for some reason.

These are some great ideas.

I have been dreaming of doing the the twists in the front with curls out in the back, because I always see curly and wavy half wigs being sold on models with corn-braided or twist crowns... similar idea to this (i don't know what exactly she's done here though):

But your two ponytails intrigue me. How short is your hair? Do they resemble puffs? Within 2 days of washing my hair, the curls are too droopy, and they will flow down. Day 3+ though and they puff up and develop the illusion of more texture, giving me the Scary Spice look. I think the ponytails would hold more shape that way.
I would like to try a twist and curl, but I have to do it when I have time to experiment. I think my hair is too curly for it and that the length would be looser than the roots and look crazy.

Yes, I think I need to find a long weekend or Thanksgiving here in the States to just go crazy with experimentation. Nobody but family will see on the latter, so that might be my moment.
I know this is a stupid question, but aren't rod sets for curls? IF you have curls already, why go to the trouble?

Because it will give you a different type of curl. It will also stay set like that for a period of time and you won't have to keep re wetting and/or cowashing.
I've got a 3a mohawk (seriously-a strip straight down the middle of my head) with the rest of my hair being 3b/c. My staple is the twist & curl messy bun (TCMB). I'll be hennaing my hair tomorrow so I'll post pics of how I do it and results tomorrow night. It usually lasts three days. I'm trying to reach BSL by 6/10, so I maintain the bun. I'm between SL & APL now.
I have to echo the love for Twist and Curls. Wash and Gos look horrible on me but the TNCs make the hair more manageable.

I also wear my hair up in some kind of updo or bun 99% of the time. Yes, it's boring but I change up with neat hair accessories that I find on Etsy.com.

Every blue moon I'll go get it blown-out or flat ironed. At that time, I get a trim too.

I have pics in my photobucket folder for more ideas.
Disclaimer: I don't have that hair type but I saw the cutest style on a girl the other day who did. She flat twisted her hair in about eight twists all the way around about 2.5 inches then the curls were stacked at the top. Some cascaded a bit. It was really cute. You could angle the direction of the flat twisted part and sweep the coils to the side.