Advice on taking MSM and Chlorella together


Well-Known Member
Hello all,

I was wondering if any of you take chlorella and msm as health supplements.

I currently take chlorella (3g with a view to increase) a day and I am looking to start taking MSN internally. Ideally, I would like to take chlorella in the morning and then MSM in the afternoon with lunch.

Do you take both in one day?
If so, what positive and negative experiences have you had?

Thanks in advance
I take 4grams of chlorella and 100 grams of MSM together (at the same time) and I havent had any issues. I am currently wearing a sew-in so I can't comment on growth just yet.
Haven't seen any positive or negative effects yet. I'm waiting on the positive but I can't think of any reason you'd ever see a negative since Chlorella is a food.
i don't do chlorella by itself i do green powder mixes from garden of life:perfect food or green vibrance. i put msm in my green smoothies or tea, the green powder makes my fruit smoothies green and i've been fine. haven't suffered anything negative and i've been doing this for almost a yr and a half.