Hair breakage during pregnancy


Well-Known Member
I'm almost 6 months pregnant and it seems like my hair is breaking and shedding like crazy.

my ends look fine and my hair looks's just that every time I comb my hair a million hairs are all over my bathroom. I notice a mix of broken and shed hairs. I'm just not sure if it's a normal amount. I've heard of breaking and shedding after pregnancy but not during. or could it be because of stretching my relaxer? my last one was in November b4 I even knew I was preggo..

my hair is relaxed, apl and very thick. people actually mistake my hair for natural.

my Reggie is
*1x a month clarify with ors
*I just started using aphogee 2 step and I'm due for another treatment (every 6 weeks)
* 1x weekly I shampoo with cream of nature eden shampoo, then deep condition (I rotate moisture and protein conditioners..1 week I use ors replenishing pak and another week I use silicon mix or mix up oils and honey..I always sit under the dryer for 30 mins)
*my main style is a rollerset I throw up in a bun or a crown braid and low bun
*every night I tie hair up loosely and put on satin scarf
* I moisturise and seal nightly or every other night with Keracare overnight moisturizing treatment and Shea moisture Reconstructive elixir

like I said my hair looks pretty healthy..just seeing all the hair in my sink everyday is making me nervous. if my routine looks fine to ya'll then I'll just chalk it up to weird pregnancy hormones
I would use a light protein. No more hard! And just moisturize a bit more. My hair was dry a lot during my last pregnancy. Can you let someone pamper your hair awhile? I only got my hair done once at a salon. It was nice not having to do all of that work.
What are you eating? Are you drinking enough water? Our babies get first dibs on all of the vitamins and minerals, so you really have to get enough nutrients.

Try a protective style like braids or twists to make your stretch easier. Good luck :)
I had the same issue with my last pregnancy. My Dr told me it was due to my hormone levels. I experienced the shedding until my fifth month then it tapered off. I did more DC treatments and tried not to manipulate my hair too much during those months and it helped a great deal. Although I'm natural those may work for you as well.

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I had this problem while pregnant as well!!! So I kept my hair in braids. Made sure I moisturized them daily!! Now that I had my baby my hair is really flourishing :) keep taking your prenatal after baby is born :) no post-partum shedding here! But that may be because I lost all my hair while I was pregnant lol
I had this issue AFTER baby, shedding like crazy! During pregnancy my hair grew like crazy. Make sure you're taking your vitamins, drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water daily, and do some protective styles. Light protein and moisture and don't stress about it.
My hair isnt thriving. Lots of shedding and breakage. Diet is good, water intake is good. Im natural and hair dries to a shrunken mess where i just pin it up mid-day.
My DD is 7 but I had this issue after pregnancy. I always try to share what worked for me. Garlic shampoo and conditioner. I got mine from the BSS. I also massaged castor oil into my scalp daily. Sometimes twice a day! I was desperate. My edges were literally bald!
Since you are pregnant check with your doc on this, but I also took, garlic pills on a daily basis. I noticed change within 6 weeks of staying on this routine, and by month 2--3 my hair was back to normal.
Sounds hormonal. Best to run this by your doctor because you might be deficient diet-wise or have some other situation. Call your doctor.
Thanks for the responses guys. My diet is really healthy..lots of fruit and veggies but I upped my protein and healthy fats. I know I don't drink enough water and I began drinking tons of water. I trimmed about an inch off my hair, braided it and threw a wig on. I've also been doing the GHE every night. A couple days ago when I took my braids out my hair was super soft and moisturised and I only had a small amount of breakage and shed hairs. The rest of this pregnancy I decided I'm just going to leave my hair alone and not manipulate it at all. It seems to be thriving this way.