coconut oil and straw-like hair


New Member
so i've been waiting for my hair to dry to maybe 75% and then applying leavins/moisturizers and ending with coconut oil on the length and especially the ends.

my ends have been left feeling like straw when it dries and the length of the hair isn't any better.

suggestions? and does coconut oil count as a protein?
Try applying your moisturizers and oil on damp hair, instead of letting it dry first. It'll hold more moisture :yep: If you tried that and hair is still like straw maybe you can try another oil?

Coconut oil doesn't work for everybody, it makes my hair feel dry and stiff, like I've had a hard protein treatment. Try castor oil, makes hair very soft and its cheap you can get it @ the drugstore :yep:
my hair can only tolerate coconut oil only if mixed w/ some other oil. It acts like a protein on my hair. It works for some & not for other like halee_J mentioned.
Coconut oil does have a protein content. Like others said try it on wetter hair. Another option would be mixing it with EVOO in equal parts.

Coconut oil is pretty light, so you may need a heavier oil to seal your hair. Castor Oil is a great option.

What kind of leave-ins are you using?
Try applying your moisturizers and oil on damp hair, instead of letting it dry first. It'll hold more moisture :yep: If you tried that and hair is still like straw maybe you can try another oil?

Coconut oil doesn't work for everybody, it makes my hair feel dry and stiff, like I've had a hard protein treatment. Try castor oil, makes hair very soft and its cheap you can get it @ the drugstore :yep:

my exact words. Coconut oil does not make my hair soft so I mix it with my condish when I dc, or I use it as a hot oil treatment, or use it on your scalp.
Some people's hair doesn't like coconut oil...mine certainly doesn't, lol. The only way I can use mine up is to prepoo with it. To seal in moisture I use my mix of sweet almond, avocado, grapeseed and castor oil :lick:
When I was transitioning, coconut oil was great on my new growth - felt like silk - but left the relaxed ends feeling hard and dry. That might also be the case for the part of your hair that is relaxed.
Coconut oil works fine on my hair and I have protein sensitive hair. :lol:

It has no protein in it from my knowledge. You can look on the back of the nutrition label for that info.

However, it IS highly penetrative. Very small molecule that gets into the hair easily. Even smaller than other oils.
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Coconut oil works fins on my hair and I have protein sensitive hair. :lol:

It has no protein in it from my knowledge. You can look on the back of the nutrition label for that info.

However, it IS highly penetrative. Very small molecule that gets into the hair easily. Even smaller than other oils.

You're right - I got my facts mixed up. It's that coconut oil helps protect against protein loss
Blah I cant stand coconut oil no matter what I do to it my hair always ends up straw-like.
Castor oil IMO is a better alternative but I prefer my KCCC :love2:
I can totally relate with the strawlike feeling with coconut oil. I've tried on wet and dry hair. I may try the EVOO.
Gotta say this, Coconut oil doesn't work for everyone. I tried it and I don't like the way it makes my hair feel. Does nothing for me, just sits on top of my hair but Olive Oil? OOOOOOOO man that's my ish! That sucka goes to work for me! If anyone tries to TOUCH my Olive Oil, we're throwing blows!
Sometimes I use cosonut oil as a conditioner, I shampoo my hair one, the apply loads of coconut oil all over from root to tip the cover my head in a shower cap, I leave it for an hour then shampoo it out. This makes hy hair really soft.
Coconut oil does have a protein content. Like others said try it on wetter hair. Another option would be mixing it with EVOO in equal parts.

Coconut oil is pretty light, so you may need a heavier oil to seal your hair. Castor Oil is a great option.

What kind of leave-ins are you using?

my leave ins vary to be honest. sometimes i use ltr, sometimes 14n1, or some tresseme naturals silicone free conditioner.

and trying with all those different kinds has left my hair like straw. esp my ends that i tried to put a little extra on
I personally find that coconut oil works best as a pre-poo treatment on dry hair. I use it on dry hair and on the scalp and do a scalp massage. Then I put a hot damp towel over it and let it soak in. But I then wash it out.

Also, are you using extra virgin oil? that may make a difference.
Coco oil is definitely not the godsend I thought it would be on my hair. On my skin, is a whole nother story. It only seems to work when my hair was pressed or fairly straight from bantu knot outs. Usually it just coats my hair.
I personally find that coconut oil works best as a pre-poo treatment on dry hair. I use it on dry hair and on the scalp and do a scalp massage. Then I put a hot damp towel over it and let it soak in. But I then wash it out.

Also, are you using extra virgin oil? that may make a difference.

Yep. That's really important to make sure it's extra virgin UNREFINED. It's usually the more expensive kind. I used a refined coconut oil once (bought it by accident) and there was definitely a difference in how it made my hair feel.

i purchased this kind from

is this not the right kind? it says it's for hair as well.

and by using evoo as well, should i be mixing it?
If you use a protein conditioner (or other leave in product) the coconut oil will amplify the effects. It isn't a protein in and of itself, but it prevents protein loss from the hair.

Coconut oil benefits black hair in two important ways. First, coconut oil's hydrophobic oil characteristics allow it to inhibit the penetration of water from the surrounding air and environment. Second, coconut oil is able to bind to the natural protein structure of the hair. This helps the hair retain its natural moisture content and reinforces the hair fiber, making it stronger.

Read more:

Damaged Hair

Lauric acid is a linear, medium-chain fatty acid with a high affinity for proteins, explains Dr. A.S. Rele in the March to April 2003 volume of the "Journal of Cosmetic Science." The predominant fat in coconut oil, lauric acid penetrates the hair shaft, binds to hair protein and allows the coconut oil to moisturize and replenish both damaged and undamaged hair. Condition your hair with coconut oil after shampooing to benefit from its moisturizing and nourishing properties.
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I really wanted to love coconut oil because I like the smell so much, but it does not work for my hair as a sealer. I have that straw-like dry thing too. I don't use it like that. I have a jar of vatika frosting (heavenly) I'm trying to use so I mixed it with EVOO (which works nicely on my hair) and a bit of conditioner and use it as a prepoo. But I'm afraid to leave it on any longer than 30 minutes because I know the coconut oil starts to really act up on my hair if I leave it on too long. Oh and I've used EVCO and the vatika frosting and both act the same for me. I'm now using the EVCO on my body.
I've experienced that straw-like hair using coconut oil, then I started experimenting with how I use it. I found that I when I use it right after washing and conditioning, when my hair is when, I do not experience that dry, hard, straw feeling later on.

Only when I add coconut oil to my hair after its dried is when the moisturizing effects are not evident.

So if you haven't already, try smoothing it through your wet, freshly conditioned hair.
I have found out that if I use too much coconut oil on my hair, it makes my hair feel straw-like and semi-hard. I only really notice this in cold weather. Yesterday, it was like 35 degrees outside. After coming inside, I touched my hair and it felt hard as if the coconut oil dried up on my hair like it does in the jar. By the way, I have regular organic coconut oil, not extra virgin.
Coconut Oil on dry hair :nono:
I could not understand why my hair was always dry, soon I stopped using it the dryness went instantly. I add a lil in my DC but thats it

I've tried extra virgin coconut oil on my hair. Dry and crispy.

It just doesn't seem to be for everyone. My preference is castor oil.
I'm surprised so many people don't like coconut oil. I use pure unrefined coconut oil and my hair loves it. I'm natural ... If you look signature and follow the link I have a great video on hair oils and their properties

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