My hair texture has changed


New Member
More people have commented on my hair texture this year than ever before. Everyone says my hair is different than when I first went natural.

Looking back on pictures, I agree. What's funny is one person keeps saying it's not as "dry and kinky" :lachen::rolleyes: A couple of people have said it's not as thick. Most people who comment say my texture is looser.

Any other naturals who've been natural for several years experienced this?

*By the way, I've noticed that my hair gets almost straight now from my combing it with a wide-toothed shower comb in the shower. If I do this and put coconut oil on it and bun it, by the third day, people think my bun is "pressed hair". When in reality, it was just combed in the shower a few days prior is all.
I've noticed this with my older daughter's hair. It used to have more of a kinky/coily texture, and as it has grown out, it sometimes seems nearly straight when I'm detangling.

I've chalked this up to the fact that I keep her in cornrows as a PS, so maybe her hair has been "stretched out" by them, but now I don't know :perplexed
Can you post some pics of what your hair used to look like when you first went natural?

Big chop (circa 03):

Circa 06?:
I've noticed this with my older daughter's hair. It used to have more of a kinky/coily texture, and as it has grown out, it sometimes seems nearly straight when I'm detangling.

I've chalked this up to the fact that I keep her in cornrows as a PS, so maybe her hair has been "stretched out" by them, but now I don't know :perplexed


I think you are on to something....

I wear my hair stretched out in a bun ALOT, so I am thinking that maybe that's why my hair straightens out easily when combing it in the shower...
wow. That is a big change...your hair "before" didn't look like the kind of hair that could be weighed down to "stretch" the texture but would instead grow OUT instead of down. BUT hair is an interesting thing and that could just be it...growing out and hanging.

Have you changed anything with your regimen?

My hair texture is changing the longer it gets, it's barely been a year so I can't say how it'll be in the amount of time you've been growing yours. Very interesting!
This is one of the reasons why I don't try to type my hair. As my hair grows out who knows what its gonna look like. I think the weight of your hair has caused your curl pattern to stretch and change. Do you use heat often? Your hair is gorgeous by the way.
Regardless, your hair is gorgeous!

I'll be glad when my curls can stretch out...maybe then, detangling won't be such a chore...sheesh!
wow. That is a big change...your hair "before" didn't look like the kind of hair that could be weighed down to "stretch" the texture but would instead grow OUT instead of down. BUT hair is an interesting thing and that could just be it...growing out and hanging.

Have you changed anything with your regimen?

My hair texture is changing the longer it gets, it's barely been a year so I can't say how it'll be in the amount of time you've been growing yours. Very interesting!

My regimen has definitely changed over the years :yep: :

The first 2 years I wore braids off and on. I also would wash my hair without sectioning it.

By the thirdish year I didn't wear braids; I had to start detangling in sections due to the thickness/length. These past 2 years I straightened my hair more than the previous 6 years.

I've also tried things like henna and clay masks and coconut milk/lime treatments in the past 2 years, but not very often.
This is one of the reasons why I don't try to type my hair. As my hair grows out who know what its gonna look like. I think the weight of your hair has caused your curl paten to stretch and change. Do you use heat often? Your hair is gorgeous by the way.


In the past year I'd say I straigtened by hair about 6 times. The last time I straightened it was in mid-Oct this year.
it's the weight of the curls. mine do the same thing sometimes. you dont realize how heavy your hair can be. i remember blowing it out and i had each section pinned up. when i took out all of the clips im not exaggerating i felt my neck snap down a bit and hollered out cause my hair was heavy!
Mine loosened with length too. I never had really tight curls but the curls I had became less curly, more wavy. Mine also changed with age (less thick, more fine). Not sure I like that part.
my curls have definately changed as well. I am not sure if it is heat damaged or just changing (because i trim my ends every 6 months) but it has happened. It use yo be ringlets of curls then more waves and now there are mostly waves in the top especially. But I also think the henna has something to do with it. I heard it loosens your texture and that happened to my cousin as well. HTH.
I wonder if it can also be from how moisturized one's hair is? I swear my hair looks totally different when its bone dry compared to when it has been consistently moisturized. Also it seems like a lot of women with kinky hair have the typical afro-puffyness when their hair is short compared to when their gets longer. It's like their true texture comes out when it gets longer.
Or maybe it's something to do with hormone levels, change of diet, age, pregnancy... I feel myself about to geek-out so I'll stop. :brainy: lol
The henna and milk may be doing it on top of the hair length. In any case your hair is still beautiful. My hair does get as wavy when I bun it now and it's alot harder to do clean parts. Also for some reason when out of the shower it dries more out than down more.
I totally second the moisture thing, my hair looks completely different when it's well moisturized vs not so much. I also think my hair is weighing down some with length. When my hair was shorter, I had these deep waves when I put my hair in a bun, now if I slick my bun, I don't have the same effect. I miss those waves...

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it's the weight of the curls. mine do the same thing sometimes. you dont realize how heavy your hair can be. i remember blowing it out and i had each section pinned up. when i took out all of the clips im not exaggerating i felt my neck snap down a bit and hollered out cause my hair was heavy!

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

I can't wait till this happens to me. I better start doing my neck exercises now. !!!
Your hair is really gorgeous, girl. I am loving how healthy and lush it looks. How long does it take for you to detangle?