PICS! Hair Update (from hip up to bra strap) GULP!


Well-Known Member
I did a choppety chop today ladies!:yep:

My old length was an inch below those two dents at the bottom of my back.

These pics are from early March:

And now my hair is just below bra strap when stretched:


Oh and here's the color! A punched up version of what I had. No biggie.:grin:


I cut so I could get rid of my longest layer of hair, and start even-ing things out.

I'm contemplating going shorter...cutting to about APL when straight, which equals neck length when curly...that's the length i was in 09 when I BCed.....:spinning:

Not sure yet....but leaning that way....:yep:

ETA: More pics HERE
Thanks girls!!!!

I thought I would get a lot of SMH responses lol.

Why are you doing this?! :cry:

Beautiful hair!!

So is your hair blunt now? Why do you wanna go even shorter?

I wanted to even things out....but now I figure it's a year till I reach my old length again...2 if i cut to APL... That's not so bad. I can play with shorter hair again....we'll see.
OMG! I applaude you for you courage! lol, Your hair is so beautiful, But I wouldnt have had the nerve to do that chop! Kudos to you!