Cost of professional relaxer?

How much does your stylist charge for touch up?

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I have medium length hair and I am charged $110.00 for touch up/ rinse and trim. What about you. I get touch ups every 6 weeks too. My goal is start stretching time between touchups.
rdm said:
I have medium length hair and I am charged $110.00 for touch up/ rinse and trim. What about you. I get touch ups every 6 weeks too. My goal is start stretching time between touchups.
Daaang!!:eek: I only pay $55 for my retouch. But I see that you live in Cali so maybe thats why. But still, $110????
Yeah...Tell that is not cold blooded. I have not paid 55 bucks in at least 10 years!!! I neglected to mention that my stylist has her shop in her house (not kitchen).
my last stylist charged $70 for mizani. I am going to a new stylist next time and I think she charges $65
85.00 is what I pay and I think that's too much:( That doesnt even include a deep conditioner or trim.
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I moved to Idaho not too long ago, and there is only one shop here, and she charged me $130.
Wowza! $110? :eek:

I know you can put more space between your relaxers. :yay: To help you get adjusted my suggestion is to have your hair washed, conditions and flatironed when you get a desire to relax. Maybe around week 5 or 6. Your new growth will be straightened and you'll probably be able to go a few more weeks!
RDM, I see that you live in Northern California. I am not sure if you live in the Bay Area or Sacramento, but I live in the former. RDM, you are paying tooooo much. The first touch up I received here at a salon in Mountain View that used Mizani was $70.*** A trim would have been $10 extra. I am not sure how much a rinse would have cost. Even if it did equal $110 with the rinse and trim, at least it was in a salon and not in someone's house. (I know that kitchen beauticians-licensed or not-can do a great job, but I do not feel that they should charge you the same amount or more than a salon). If you cannot find another stylist (and I of all people especially being from the South understand how difficult it is to find a nice stylist in northern CA), then I would let her touch-up and trim me. Then, I would buy the rinse and do it myself to save money.

BTW, if you are near the Oakland area, I have heard that Ringlets is a great place to go. I called for touch-up prices, and they ranged from $70-$75.

***That touch-up included the most deep conditioning I have every received. I believe that lady used three different deep conditioners. The only thing I didn't like is that she used a rattail comb on my head before applying the relaxer.
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Wowza. Just today I got a touch-up, deep conditioner, roller set and a Dominican blowout for a whooping $40!:eek: Usually I pay anywhere between $35-$45. I've never heard of such high prices. I would definitely shop around.
buttaflye03 said:
Wowza. Just today I got a touch-up, deep conditioner, roller set and a Dominican blowout for a whooping $40!:eek: Usually I pay anywhere between $35-$45. I've never heard of such high prices. I would definitely shop around.

Buttaflye03-Where I am from originally (AL) the prices you named are closer to the norm. I think that because the cost of living is so high here combined with the fact that there are fewer stylists here who can or want to deal with "our" hair, stylists here either A) must or B) can afford to charge more.
I have paid over $100 in the past (in NYC), but not anymore... Now I pay around $50-$60. I am not really satisfied with the overall health of my hair since I've moved back down here (almost 4 years) and have been underprocessed more than twice. :confused: And burned by others more than twice...:mad:

Thinking about self relaxing in the future... Maybe I'd have better results taking it into my own hands... :look: But I'm nervous about doing it...

I really don't want to fry it all off-- especially now since it's past my shoulders.
My stylist charges $60 for a touch up with design essentials relaxer-any stregth, any length hair. I sometimes get mine done for free if I do a favor for her.

However, There are places in the area that do charge over $100 for touch-ups--one place I've heard charges $500.
I usually pay $75 for a touch up, trim, and deep condition. At my last touch up, I didn't get a trim or deep treatment, and was charged $55.

I don't think that I would ever pay over $75. There are some places in my area that do I relaxer alone for about $40 (student discount) but I love how timely/professional my stylist is.
Down here it's about $75 - 100. When I lived further out west it was $75 at the Dominican salon and now that I east it's more like $100 or more. Needless to say, I have started recently doing my own hair.:D
buttaflye03 said:
Wowza. Just today I got a touch-up, deep conditioner, roller set and a Dominican blowout for a whooping $40!:eek: Usually I pay anywhere between $35-$45. I've never heard of such high prices. I would definitely shop around.

That's what I'm sayin....
guess NYC'ers should consider themselves lucky judging by the prices being mentioned in this thread...
rdm said:
I have medium length hair and I am charged $110.00 for touch up/ rinse and trim. What about you. I get touch ups every 6 weeks too. My goal is start stretching time between touchups.
wow...that's a lot. most stylists over here charge 65. I had this stylist that only charged me 45 because he knew I was a college student.
I pay 50.00. But the last one my friend did for me so that was a blessing!
*and i was very pleased.*
My stylist charged $84 for a touch-up (Design Essentials), rollerset, trim (which was more like a "cut"), and style. Including tip, I paid $100 even. Sometimes she'd give me a deep conditioner, sometimes not.

However, the salon has been getting on my nerves lately. My stylist is habitually late and I wind up staying at the shop for 3+ hours (my appts. are always at 8:30 AM on Sat. mornings). IMO, that's just too much. I'm going to start self-relaxing again and learn how to dust my own ends. Much cheaper and much less drama.
$50 for touch-up (every 10-12wks)
$15 rinse
$0 for the trim- comes with the relaxer
+ $5-10 tip
At home, my stylist only charges $ 40 in (Germantown, TN).
At school, they charge $ 60 in (Nashville, TN).