Spinoff: Does Voodoo/Black Magic have REAL Power?

Is it real?

  • Yes voodoo is real!

    Votes: 94 65.3%
  • No it's not!

    Votes: 9 6.3%
  • I don't know!

    Votes: 22 15.3%
  • Maybe it is maybe it isn't.

    Votes: 22 15.3%

  • Total voters
rozlips said:
Girl, its a trip! And why we got to drown Indians in One Little Two Little Three Little Indians? Its a good beat and does teach kids to count, so...Remix. One Little Two Little Three Little Froggies. I figure if the froggies fall off the log they can swim.

And of the prayer is now, Angels watch me through the night and keep me in their blessed sight.

I doubt this makes much difference, but I certainly feel better.

Oh my goodness, another twisted nursery rhyme! LOL! Honestly, I never really paid close attention to any of the lyrics. Thank God for revelation! :lol:
Shimmie said:
Jesus loves me....this I know. For the Bible tells me so.
Little ones to Him belong, we are weak, but He is strong.

Yes, Jesus loves me, Yes, Jesus loves me,
Yes, Jesus loves me,

For the Bible, tells me so.....

Amen, Pebs. ;) Shimmie sings it too. I just did, especially for you.

If you look at these words of the song, your can see how it is by our parents' profession of faith and love, we've always been covered under His everlasting Covenant of Blood; where satan, dare not cross it.

Day after day and night after night, they 'spoke' it over us in song -- God's annointing and covering over us. They made a perpetual degree and the devil had to flee, because of Jesus. Amen and Amen.

I have to point this out, yes we should be god loving, but not fearing and we should not beleive that we are weak, God created us in HIS image.
Lucia said:
I have to point this out, yes we should be god loving, but not fearing and we should not beleive that we are weak, God created us in HIS image.

Here Darlin' ;)

I Corinthians 1:25

Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the WEAKNESS of God is stronger than men.

I Corinthians 2: 3

And I was with you in WEAKNESS, and in fear, and in much trembling.

2 Corinthians 12:9

And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in WEAKNESS. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

As for fear...we better 'fear' God. Fear in the sense of reverence and honor unto to Him. He's God and there is no other.

And yes, we are made in His image, but we are not Him nor can we overcome or challenge Him.

I am also made in the express image of my mom and dad....Uh, let me cross them the wrong way. I then belong to my 'mama.'.....:lol:

Blessings Lucia...;)
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thanks Shimmie,
I get what the quotes are saying but i just don't like the idea of having to be weak and useless, but myabe I'm exaggerating what the text means.
What has set me free in my spiritual life is focusing on Jesus instead of the devil and his ways. Quit giving him the time of day and you will be amazed at how your relationship with the Lord grows. I don't believe anyone can do anything to you unless God allows them to. (Look at 9-11 for example, only God allowed that to happen or it would have happened a long time ago. Time for us to wake up). If we live for God and quit blaming everything that goes wrong in our life on the devil we will be set free and we won't need to live in fear of the devil and his ways.

I have come into the Hebrew roots of my Christian faith and it has set me free from always looking over my shoulder in case the devil is trying to get me. I have learned to look at the Bible and life from a Hebrew prospective because Jesus was a Hebrew and so was almost everyone else who wrote the Bible. The western mindest or Greek mindset has allowed us to be taken captive by these things.

I know the devil is real and he can show some signs through voodoo and other practices that people do but there is no REAL power there in the end. If we "LIVE" for God then we have nothing to fear from evil doers. And even so, to leave this body is to be present with the Lord. But God has a purpose for our lives and for this earth so we should not be so quick to try and escape it (another western mindset). Focus on God and not these type of things.:)
smitmarv said:
What has set me free in my spiritual life is focusing on Jesus instead of the devil and his ways. Quit giving him the time of day and you will be amazed at how your relationship with the Lord grows. I don't believe anyone can do anything to you unless God allows them to. (Look at 9-11 for example, only God allowed that to happen or it would have happened a long time ago. Time for us to wake up). If we live for God and quit blaming everything that goes wrong in our life on the devil we will be set free and we won't need to live in fear of the devil and his ways.

I have come into the Hebrew roots of my Christian faith and it has set me free from always looking over my shoulder in case the devil is trying to get me. I have learned to look at the Bible and life from a Hebrew prospective because Jesus was a Hebrew and so was almost everyone else who wrote the Bible. The western mindest or Greek mindset has allowed us to be taken captive by these things.

I know the devil is real and he can show some signs through voodoo and other practices that people do but there is no REAL power there in the end. If we "LIVE" for God then we have nothing to fear from evil doers. And even so, to leave this body is to be present with the Lord. But God has a purpose for our lives and for this earth so we should not be so quick to try and escape it (another western mindset). Focus on God and not these type of things.:)
How do you go about learning the Hebrew roots of the Bible?
StrawberryQueen said:
How do you go about learning the Hebrew roots of the Bible?

Well my husband and I use to go to this really great church and we loved it but I always felt like there had to be more. We had been in Bible College for years at the Church and we were very involved. Then they had the option of taking the regular class for Bible college or this other class called "The Hebrew Roots of the Christian Faith". At that time we were planning to move to Arizona soon but after the first class of Hebrew Roots, my husband and I looked at each other and said "Were not going anywhere!" It was amazing! We learned more in that one semester then all the time in Bible College and my whole life in the Church combined!

I'm sure we have all felt that at times the Bible seemed to contradict itself and that is because we are looking at the Bible through Western eyes and not Hebrew eyes. When you start to understand that the WHOLE Bible is suppose to have meaning to us and not just the last half. When you learn the history as to why there is that little piece of paper in the middle of our Bible that says "New Testament". Which keeps the Jews reading only the first half and the Christians only reading the second half. And if we do read the first half we don't see Jesus in it and it is just history or nice stories to us. When you come into the Hebrew Root of the Christian Faith then you can clearly see that the Old Testament is look towards the Cross where as we are looking back at the Cross and Jesus is through the WHOLE Bible.

Haven't you ever wondered why Jews seem to be the hardest people to get saved? It is because the church has left the Hebrew Roots of the Bible due to anti-simitism all the way back at 300 A.D. with Constantine. Since Christians can't see Jesus in the Old Testament then neither can the Jews.

Check out www.Torah.tv. My husband and I have been going to this congregation for the last 6 going on 7 years. He is the best teacher by far of the Hebrew Root that I have ever seen and I have seen a lot of them. Learning the Hebrew Roots helps you learn more about your God and we need to remember that the Bible was written by Jews and that Jesus was a Jew. We understand the certain foreigner think different from us and yet we only go back to the Greek to do deep studies of the Bible. Greeks and Hebrews don't really think very much a like and that is where a lot of misunderstanding and different interpretations come from when it comes to the Bible. I still have a lot to learn and it is very exciting.

I hope that makes since.

God Bless.:)
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chocomom said:
My mother-in-law, devout Catholic, was almost struck down with Voodoo. She has never believed in it until that time. At all. In fact, she really took it for a joke. After her experience, she won't sleep on it again.

It is REAL & You do NOT have to believe in it for it to work. I will say that if you are covered by the Blood of Jesus it will not be as effective ( It may not affect you but can cause chaos around you & those you love) Many people believe that this is harmless but it is not. The people asking for this must realize that in every spiritual sin a sacrafice MUST be made & THEY pay the consequences sooner or later . Believe me it is Never worth the sacrafice that must be made. For any Christians that don't belive please read HE CAME TO SET THE CAPTIVES FREE....
smitmarv said:
Well my husband and I use to go to this really great church and we loved it but I always felt like there had to be more. We had been in Bible College for years at the Church and we were very involved. Then they had the option of taking the regular class for Bible college or this other class called "The Hebrew Roots of the Christian Faith". At that time we were planning to move to Arizona soon but after the first class of Hebrew Roots, my husband and I looked at each other and said "Were not going anywhere!" It was amazing! We learned more in that one semester then all the time in Bible College and my whole life in the Church combined!

I'm sure we have all felt that at times the Bible seemed to contradict itself and that is because we are looking at the Bible through Western eyes and not Hebrew eyes. When you start to understand that the WHOLE Bible is suppose to have meaning to us and not just the last half. When you learn the history as to why there is that little piece of paper in the middle of our Bible that says "New Testament". Which keeps the Jews reading only the first half and the Christians only reading the second half. And if we do read the first half we don't see Jesus in it and it is just history or nice stories to us. When you come into the Hebrew Root of the Christian Faith then you can clearly see that the Old Testament is look towards the Cross where as we are looking back at the Cross and Jesus is through the WHOLE Bible.

Haven't you ever wondered why Jews seem to be the hardest people to get saved? It is because the church has left the Hebrew Roots of the Bible due to anti-simitism all the way back at 300 A.D. with Constantine. Since Christians can't see Jesus in the Old Testament then neither can the Jews.

Check out www.Torah.tv. My husband and I have been going to this congregation for the last 6 going on 7 years. He is the best teacher by far of the Hebrew Root that I have ever seen and I have seen a lot of them. Learning the Hebrew Roots helps you learn more about your God and we need to remember that the Bible was written by Jews and that Jesus was a Jew. We understand the certain foreigner think different from us and yet we only go back to the Greek to do deep studies of the Bible. Greeks and Hebrews don't really think very much a like and that is where a lot of misunderstanding and different interpretations come from when it comes to the Bible. I still have a lot to learn and it is very exciting.

I hope that makes since.

God Bless.:)
smitmarv said:
Well my husband and I use to go to this really great church and we loved it but I always felt like there had to be more. We had been in Bible College for years at the Church and we were very involved. Then they had the option of taking the regular class for Bible college or this other class called "The Hebrew Roots of the Christian Faith". At that time we were planning to move to Arizona soon but after the first class of Hebrew Roots, my husband and I looked at each other and said "Were not going anywhere!" It was amazing! We learned more in that one semester then all the time in Bible College and my whole life in the Church combined!

I'm sure we have all felt that at times the Bible seemed to contradict itself and that is because we are looking at the Bible through Western eyes and not Hebrew eyes. When you start to understand that the WHOLE Bible is suppose to have meaning to us and not just the last half. When you learn the history as to why there is that little piece of paper in the middle of our Bible that says "New Testament". Which keeps the Jews reading only the first half and the Christians only reading the second half. And if we do read the first half we don't see Jesus in it and it is just history or nice stories to us. When you come into the Hebrew Root of the Christian Faith then you can clearly see that the Old Testament is look towards the Cross where as we are looking back at the Cross and Jesus is through the WHOLE Bible.

Haven't you ever wondered why Jews seem to be the hardest people to get saved? It is because the church has left the Hebrew Roots of the Bible due to anti-simitism all the way back at 300 A.D. with Constantine. Since Christians can't see Jesus in the Old Testament then neither can the Jews.

Check out www.Torah.tv. My husband and I have been going to this congregation for the last 6 going on 7 years. He is the best teacher by far of the Hebrew Root that I have ever seen and I have seen a lot of them. Learning the Hebrew Roots helps you learn more about your God and we need to remember that the Bible was written by Jews and that Jesus was a Jew. We understand the certain foreigner think different from us and yet we only go back to the Greek to do deep studies of the Bible. Greeks and Hebrews don't really think very much a like and that is where a lot of misunderstanding and different interpretations come from when it comes to the Bible. I still have a lot to learn and it is very exciting.

I hope that makes since.

God Bless.:)

Blessings on your journey.

As to the bolded part, you are misunderstanding Judaism and why many Jews reject Jsus/Christianity.
Cichelle said:
Blessings on your journey.

As to the bolded part, you are misunderstanding Judaism and why many Jews reject Jsus/Christianity.

I know this is only a small part of the reason, but from a Christian perspective they can never seem to explain why Jesus is the Messiah because they reject to Torah. I know a lot has happened in history and that is the bigger reason why for Jews. Thank you for your blessings. I have been so blessed.
smitmarv said:
I know this is only a small part of the reason, but from a Christian perspective they can never seem to explain why Jesus is the Messiah because they reject to Torah. I know a lot has happened in history and that is the bigger reason why for Jews. Thank you for your blessings. I have been so blessed.
Well I won't speak for any Jews, but I think they do not believe Jesus is the Messiah b/c he did not fulfill the requirements/expectations of what their Messah was supposed to do/be.

Correct me if I'm wrong-please :lol:
StrawberryQueen said:
Well I won't speak for any Jews, but I think they do not believe Jesus is the Messiah b/c he did not fulfill the requirements/expectations of what their Messah was supposed to do/be.

Correct me if I'm wrong-please :lol:

I am a Jew and as far as I know that isn't the reason. I can't remember the reason because I was so young and my Grandmother had paased away. I'll find out for you though.
StrawberryQueen said:
Well I won't speak for any Jews, but I think they do not believe Jesus is the Messiah b/c he did not fulfill the requirements/expectations of what their Messah was supposed to do/be.

Correct me if I'm wrong-please :lol:

You are not wrong. :)

There are other reasons, but that is a huge one. Additionally, many Jews of the "non-convertible" variety have a solid Jewish education and a good knowledge of Hebrew (modern and biblical) and history. We know very well what Torah does and does not say and what is or isn't in it. But this is OT. I apologize.

On topic: I haven't read this whole thread, but I think the mind is very powerful and therefore the power of voodoo and black magic would differ amongst people.

I once read an article that talked about how when outsiders fear a certain group it can lead to victimization. It actually compared Judaism and Haitian voodoo somehow....and I believe, the relationship with Christianity. If I can find it, I'll link it later.

ETA: http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~haeber/voodoo-jews.html
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It exists, but GOD is Most High. Nothing can happen, but by His leave.
There are prayers, one can say to prevent this and all afflictions.
You can PM me, if you want. I don't mind sharing prayers.
I think that it is real and exists. Isn't it Newton's law that says for every action there is an equal reaction? Or something like that. Or is it Ying & Yang I'm thinking of? .... hmmmm well whatever it is, I believe that for every good there's and equal evil, for dark an equal light, for every up an equal down. So yes it exists, but as a Christian we must not handle it... touch not, taste not, handle not... Col 2:21
I think that it is real and exists. Isn't it Newton's law that says for every action there is an equal reaction? Or something like that. Or is it Ying & Yang I'm thinking of? .... hmmmm well whatever it is, I believe that for every good there's and equal evil, for dark an equal light, for every up an equal down. So yes it exists, but as a Christian we must not handle it... touch not, taste not, handle not... Col 2:21

You are correct. That's Newton's 3rd Law.:yep:

To expand on what you said: I've already shared my voodoo story on the off topic forum and I learned that you must be where you need to be spiritually in order for that stuff not to affect you. Unfortunately, I was not and people who do not guard themselves with their own beliefs and faith will be susceptible to outside those forces.
I dated a guy awhile ago and he seemed miserable. He told me one day that a woman he used to date put a "root" on him. I was like huh? So he told me that he was going to a warlock to get it taken off.

I wasn't saved at the time. I had heard of witches but that was from the tv show Bewitched.

He went to the warlock to get the root taken off BUT he was still miserable. Just from my personal experience, I didn't experience true joy until I experienced the love of GOD. :cloud9:
Voodoo is real for those who meddle in it. But when we have our hearts and minds on Jesus, it is powerless. Our God is the God above all gods.
Simply put.. Deuteronomy 18: 10-12 says "There should not be found in you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, anyone who employs divination, a practicer of magic or anyone who looks for omens or a sorcerer, or one who binds others with a spell or anyone who consults a spirit medium or a professional foreteller of events or anyone who inquires of the dead. For everybody doing these things is something detestable to Jehovah, and on account of these detestable things Jehovah your God is driving them away from before you."

So if these things did not exist and exert power why would we be warned against them? God himself acknowledges Satan has power. Anyone recall the account of Job where Satan was allowed to test Job to the full. Satan controlled the elements causing a storm and had Jobs' children killed at sea plus more. He is a spirit, superhuman. Not more powerful than the Almighty as mentioned, but he does have power and people can channel it if they submit to him. Through his power many things can happen..sometimes the y appear beneficial such as predicting lottery numbers and sometimes they are obviously evil. Do not be too naive...but do not fear him either because if you call on the ONE greater than he is The father specifically Jehovah, he will flee from you.
Simply put.. Deuteronomy 18: 10-12 says "There should not be found in you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, anyone who employs divination, a practicer of magic or anyone who looks for omens or a sorcerer, or one who binds others with a spell or anyone who consults a spirit medium or a professional foreteller of events or anyone who inquires of the dead. For everybody doing these things is something detestable to Jehovah, and on account of these detestable things Jehovah your God is driving them away from before you."

So if these things did not exist and exert power why would we be warned against them? God himself acknowledges Satan has power. Anyone recall the account of Job where Satan was allowed to test Job to the full. Satan controlled the elements causing a storm and had Jobs' children killed at sea plus more. He is a spirit, superhuman. Not more powerful than the Almighty as mentioned, but he does have power and people can channel it if they submit to him. Through his power many things can happen..sometimes the y appear beneficial such as predicting lottery numbers and sometimes they are obviously evil. Do not be too naive...but do not fear him either because if you call on the ONE greater than he is The father specifically Jehovah, he will flee from you.

I have to tell a story and I hope and pray I do not scare anyone. I lived in the Caribbean and for anyone to say it's not real there, they're lying, honestly. They know. I had a neighbor who ran a pension (student housing) down the corner from me. My best friend took a room with her but I didn't want to because I had gotten my own kitchenette. The lady started giving me evil looks and I felt something was wrong. When I visited my bff there, she was just glaring at me...I took the hint and didn't come around inside anymore. Just waited for my friend outside when we wanted to go somewhere.

Things began happening to us in very strange ways. I lost all my book money - something impossible for me. Left my money in the ladies bathroom. Just mindlessness. Accidents and other unfortunate things were happening all over the place to me and my friend and suddenly. One evening, when I was walking her down the street to the pension, we just stopped and prayed and asked G-d to protect us because something was not right. We felt we needed to. All those bad things ceased.

It wasn't 2 weeks later that I later learned from the other students there that this woman dabbled in the occult, in black magic or something like it. She had children!!! Looked like a nice christian lady with a lovely home. Some of the girls left. :nono:

Another time in summer, I lived elsewhere when my family was remodeling and wasn't going to have students. This lady was a military person. The only available space was a bunk in her room. The house was full.

One evening, she was explaining to me about her Silva mind control. I was like, :perplexed Okay. But I wasn't interested. We were conversing like normal and when I looked around at her...she had instantly fallen into a very deep sleep with a glassy look on her face...she had gone to another plane. I kid you not. Out of mind experiences. She was altering her conscience. I felt instant evil.

Later that night, I was awakened to something shaking the bunk bed and it happened twice. I also heard growling little voices in my ears. I sat up and looked out the hurricane window and there was a black cat slyly walking away on its hind legs :eek2:. I picked up a rosary hanging above and started praying the Our Father. It went away. I told one of the girls about some strange happenings later and learned that not only she but another girl were witches, in that very house. Oy vey. When my family came back...I ran to them!!!! They prayed the rosary nightly. Very holy family.

That stuff is evil, ugly and real. But it's another level in the Caribbean and Africa. However, G-d is more powerful. It doesn't mean, though, that one will be untouched by evil. But I have seen evil things and I have experienced very holy things. I prefer the holy.

Moral? If you learn of something about someone like that, get moving fast. Do not delay. Pray without ceasing. Most of all, trust in Creator!!!
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I have to tell a story and I hope and pray I do not scare anyone. I lived in the Caribbean and for anyone to say it's not real there, they're lying, honestly. They know. I had a neighbor who ran a pension (student housing) down the corner from me. My best friend took a room with her but I didn't want to because I had gotten my own kitchenette. The lady started giving me evil looks and I felt something was wrong. When I visited my bff there, she was just glaring at me...I took the hint and didn't come around inside anymore. Just waited for my friend outside when we wanted to go somewhere.

Things began happening to us in very strange ways. I lost all my book money - something impossible for me. Left my money in the ladies bathroom. Just mindlessness. Accidents and other unfortunate things were happening all over the place to me and my friend and suddenly. One evening, when I was walking her down the street to the pension, we just stopped and prayed and asked G-d to protect us because something was not right. We felt we needed to. All those bad things ceased.

It wasn't 2 weeks later that I later learned from the other students there that this woman dabbled in the occult, in black magic or something like it. She had children!!! Looked like a nice christian lady with a lovely home. Some of the girls left. :nono:

Another time in summer, I lived elsewhere when my family was remodeling and wasn't going to have students. This lady was a military person. The only available space was a bunk in her room. The house was full.

One evening, she was explaining to me about her Silva mind control. I was like, :perplexed Okay. But I wasn't interested. We were conversing like normal and when I looked around at her...she had instantly fallen into a very deep sleep with a glassy look on her face...she had gone to another plane. I kid you not. Out of mind experiences. She was altering her conscience. I felt instant evil.

Later that night, I was awakened to something shaking the bunk bed and it happened twice. I also heard growling little voices in my ears. I sat up and looked out the hurricane window and there was a black cat slyly walking away on its hind legs :eek2:. I picked up a rosary hanging above and started praying the Our Father. It went away. I told one of the girls about some strange happenings later and learned that not only she but another girl were witches, in that very house. Oy vey. When my family came back...I ran to them!!!! They prayed the rosary nightly. Very holy family.

That stuff is evil, ugly and real. But it's another level in the Caribbean and Africa. However, G-d is more powerful. It doesn't mean, though, that one will be untouched by evil. But I have seen evil things and I have experienced very holy things. I prefer the holy.

Moral? If you learn of something about someone like that, get moving fast. Do not delay. Pray without ceasing. Most of all, trust in Creator!!!

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Many people have had similar and even worse experiences with people who submit to the Devil's power and even Demons themselves! My mother has been bothered by them at least twice that I know of. One time I was asleep and the 2nd time she was in the hospital and I wasn't there. But I have gotten an eerie feeling many times before and sometimes I hear sounds that I convince myself are just normal..but I say Jehovah's name anyway JUST IN CASE and I have no problems after that. Ugh I can't stand them..can you imagine being in the presence of a superhuman being that is just pure evil inside and out, who has the power to do terrible things to you? :sad: I hope I NEVER have the displeasure. Some people have been physically and even sexually assaulted by them, not knowing what they are or how to stop them. I'm telling you, if you even think something's not right say Jehovah repeatedly..go around ur house and say it if you have to so they can leave you alone. This is no joke.
Voodoo is not "black magic" or evil

evil is evil
Voodoo has been propagandized to be an evil religion. Why? Because colonialist wanted to make sure that we thought everything that came from Africa was evil and bad. Voodoo is the religion of our ancestors. If you know what it really it you will not attack it.

To be clear, I am a Christian, and I do not participate in Voodoo. It is present in every place where there are African diaspora...from Lousiana to Venezuela and it makes my heart break to hear how there people had to hide in secret and were beaten for practicing what they believe it.

Black magic on the other hand is evil...but I don't know much about it. I have never come across it
Voodoo is not "black magic" or evil

evil is evil

Voodoo has been propagandized to be an evil religion. Why? Because colonialist wanted to make sure that we thought everything that came from Africa was evil and bad. Voodoo is the religion of our ancestors. If you know what it really it you will not attack it.

To be clear, I am a Christian, and I do not participate in Voodoo. It is present in every place where there are African diaspora...from Lousiana to Venezuela and it makes my heart break to hear how there people had to hide in secret and were beaten for practicing what they believe it.

Black magic on the other hand is evil...but I don't know much about it. I have never come across it

Cutiebe2...... :Rose:

It's one in the same. voodoo, black magic, whatever folks want to call it, it's all one in the same and it's 'ALL' evil. Yes, sweetheart, it's all evil.

I grieve for those who have 'suffered' from it's practice and we cannot blame the colonists for voodoo's preception. It is an evil practice and those who participate in it will reap what they sow, which unfortunately is evil. It's God's law, that every 'seed' produces after it's own kind.

Just because we are 'Christians', we cannot ignore what's true. God does not practice voodoo, nor any other works of darkness, which again, is what voodoo is, works of darkness.

Nothing can clean it up; nothing. :nono: Folks can disagree until Jesus comes, and the facts will never change. voodoo is an evil work of darkness and you will never see it approved by God. :nono:

Angel, it is what it is...'evil'.

Yet it cannot triumph over God, neither the Blood of Jesus. It cannot cross the 'Bloodline' of our Lord Jesus Christ. Bless His Holy Name, Forever, Jesus! Praise, Praise Him, forevermore.
Cutiebe2...... :Rose:

It's one in the same. voodoo, black magic, whatever folks want to call it, it's all one in the same and it's 'ALL' evil. Yes, sweetheart, it's all evil.

I grieve for those who have 'suffered' from it's practice and we cannot blame the colonists for voodoo's preception. It is an evil practice and those who participate in it will reap what they sow, which unfortunately is evil. It's God's law, that every 'seed' produces after it's own kind.

Just because we are 'Christians', we cannot ignore what's true. God does not practice voodoo, nor any other works of darkness, which again, is what voodoo is, works of darkness.

Nothing can clean it up; nothing. :nono: Folks can disagree until Jesus comes, and the facts will never change. voodoo is an evil work of darkness and you will never see it approved by God. :nono:

Angel, it is what it is...'evil'.

Yet it cannot triumph over God, neither the Blood of Jesus. It cannot cross the 'Bloodline' of our Lord Jesus Christ. Bless His Holy Name, Forever, Jesus! Praise, Praise Him, forevermore.

Of course God will never approve Voodoo..its not the same religion. Again, I will not call Voodoo evil. I just put it in a basket with every other religion that is out there. Again, its not my religion. If I say that Voodoo is evil then I would have to say the Judiasm, Hinduism, Islam, etc is too (which they are not)..because my exposure and knowledge about Voodoo has not been far off from the exposure of other religions. But again, since I don't practice the religions they don't apply to me. I just respectfully keep my distance...
I grieve for those who have 'suffered' from it's practice and we cannot blame the colonists for voodoo's preception. It is an evil practice and those who participate in it will reap what they sow, which unfortunately is evil. It's God's law, that every 'seed' produces after it's own kind.


Also, we need to be very carefully of the statements we make like this. Unfortunately, the first place people point to Voodoo is Haiti, even thought its practiced in tons of other sites, including the US. Now people are saying Haiti is suffering because of Voodoo which is hurtful lies. You wouldn't believe the number of times I have heard people say this. People take what we say and use it how they please:ohwell:
Also, we need to be very carefully of the statements we make like this. Unfortunately, the first place people point to Voodoo is Haiti, even thought its practiced in tons of other sites, including the US. Now people are saying Haiti is suffering because of Voodoo which is hurtful lies. You wouldn't believe the number of times I have heard people say this. People take what we say and use it how they please:ohwell:
"Cutie" ... there's only 'one' thing I need to be careful of, and that is to speak the Truth of God and not man's perceptions or emotions.

If you see voodoo as not being evil, that's your perspective, however it is not the truth, regardless of whether you practice it or not. I hate to disillusion you, but any 'religion' outside of God is evil. Anyone who prays to idols or to other dieties or spirits is evil in the sight of God. God is very clear about this in His word. Quite clear.

Don't confuse this with what's going on with Haiti. And also let's be clear, not everyone, including myself is blaming Haiti for what has happened to her. It's a tragedy and believe me, it grieves the heart of God to see this happen to them as well as others and myself.

What exactly was your point in resurrecting this thread in the first place? It's not going to change the fact of what voodoo is.. which is indeed darkness.

And please do not insult the religions of the Muslims and the Jews, by placing them in the same basket as voodoo. voodoo is witchcraft in one of it's highest forms. It's demonic, it works upon conjouring up and communicating with the spirits of darkness.

The Jews DO acknowledge God and honor and respect Him as God and there is none other. They do not converge with the spirits of darkness as those who do with voodoo. Period, point blank.

Muslims, honor God as God. They do not practice voodoo. They do not converge with spirits of darkness as those who practice voodoo.

Hindus worship 'idols' and other spirits.

It does not matter whether you agree or not. What does matter is not to insult these two religions (Jews and Muslims) by placing them in the same category as voodoo.

Let me be clear. You are not the only person who is upset about what's being said about Haiti and if this is your way of defending Haiti, by defending voodoo, it's a waste of time and the wrong path in doing so.

I'm speaking to you and any and everyone else who is wasting so much precious time and energy complaiing about what is being said about Haiti. Do what others are doing instead. Get up from the keyboard and get some money over there and keep it going.

Instead of pouting about what so and so said about Haiti and voodoo and who-doo, PRAY -- STOP wasting your time and words on what somebody said and use your words to keep praying.

These folks just had another earthquake ... 6.0 on the richter. For God's sake! Ignore the distractions and Pray. Stop complaining about what other folks have said and do something productive.

As wrong as it is for those who are casting Haiti down with their words, it's even MORE wrong of those who waste their time 'crying' and complaining about it. And in the meantime, Haiti is attacked by another geographical disaster. Our words are needed to keep them in prayer and under God's protection.

I'm gonna tell you something and I hope you understand it.
"IF" . . . Haiti is indeed suffering due to practices of voodoo and other practices of such, wouldn't it make sense to get rid of the cause in order to set in place the cure? I'm not accusing Haiti of anything; they've been through more than enough suffering.

However, If smoking cigarettes give lung cancer...... stop smoking. "IF" indeed there is a spiritual casue going on there, then I refuse to be an enabler, instead, I choose to love her and help her and by the loving grace of God, to see her set free. Haiti has suffered long and hard enough.

To Haiti...may the grace of all mighty God rest upon you and yours. Haiti you are loved and indeed many are 'actively' reaching out to you with our hearts, our money and most of all our prayers. No time is being wasted disputing the cause of this terror upon you. :love2:
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