Reporting to you live from the salon...


New Member
Hi Ladies,

So I"m in the salon right now getting my relaxer after a 12 week stretch. I told the stylist exactly what I wanted and so far he's complied with EVERYTHING!

When I got here I told him that I wanted him not to relax the nape, he didn't and was very careful not to touch that area. I made him use my shower comb, he did it. He used the mild relaxer like i asked and didn't relax me bone straight. There is definitely texture left! He was extremely gentle while applying the relaxer and rollersetting my hair. He also made sure that conditioner got to every strand root to end (you some people just slab it on top).

Right now I'm sitting under the dryer with rollers. I may let him trim it since he has done everything else exactly how I wanted it.

So far he gets an A from me, let's see if he maintains it and maybe even goes for an A+!

I'm at Indra Salon in Manhattan.


New Member
Yeah I was serious about posting while I was here. I figure I will remember more if I do it now.

I'm not using wifi, I have broadband access on my phone thru my cell phone provider (I need it for work, but it works for LHCF purposes as well!)

5 more minutes and I'm done with the dryer, I'll be back to report more later.
uncutandgettinglonger said:
It's like cnn in this mug.

Right! :lol:

I was on the forum on my sidekick when I was in the salon three weeks ago. I actually thought to file a report too. Lol.

Looking forward to the rest of the story, RabiaElaine. I may have to go there when I'm there to celebrate my wedding anniversary. I'll be due for a touch up then.


New Member
RabiaElaine said:
When I got here I told him that I wanted him not to relax the nape, he didn't and was very careful not to touch that area. I made him use my shower comb, he did it. He used the mild relaxer like i asked and didn't relax me bone straight. There is definitely texture left! He was extremely gentle while applying the relaxer and rollersetting my hair. He also made sure that conditioner got to every strand root to end (you some people just slab it on top).

I am definitely feeling all that TLC your hair received! That is too fabulous...I may have to come out to the city just to check them out. Thanks for the live update



Well-Known Member
Your experience sounds really good so far but I need more details :D

Did he base your scalp well? Was he careful when applying the relaxer, i.e. no overlapping? What are the prices like?

Can wait to hear about the trim!

Oh and by the way..who is he? :lol:

Sorry for all the questions :grin:


New Member
So I'm all done now!

I think that was the best salon experience I ever had!

After he took me out from the dryer he trimmed me. But before picking up the scissors he asked me how much I wanted to take off. I told him I know my ends are a little thin (from dominican blowouts) so I asked him to even them up so my hair looked thicker and to keep as much length as possible. And lo and behold he did what I asked! He flat ironed gently an I was done!

And ladies guess what?

He was so surprised and pleased that I knew what a bone comb was. He actually asked if I was a hairdresser because of all of my knowledge!

He actually told me he left his last salon because they primarily did weaves, and the other clients kept thinking his clients had weaves when they didn't. The others at the salon didn't like that and thought it took away from the weaving business because he was encouraging healthy hair. He has no problem with weaves but prefers healthy hair to them.

No he didn't overlap and even told me to look in the mirror when he finished the application to check.

I think the fact that I spoke up about what I wanted made this such a good experience.

And best of all I still have a lot of texture. It is exactly how I wanted it. So I will be slowly cutting off th bone straight ends. With MTG and keeping my hair up and moisturized I still think I can make armpit by the end of next year with some straight ends left.

O and his name was Roland. I ended up paying $119.


Well-Known Member
I believe this is one of the best salon visits I've heard here, and I congratulate you on going in knowing exactly what you wanted and making sure you received it, if more of us go in stern, serious, showing the knowledge we do have about hair care, but still keep it sweet and respectful there can be better salon stories. Now Where Are the Pics!!!! :D


With Love & Silk
I'm so glad you're pleased. :)

I can't tell you how many times I've been out and about and reached for my phone so I could tell/ask y'all something on LHCF--but then I remember that my phone doesn't get down like that!


New Member
Oh my gosh. I'm glad you had a great experience. Please tell me you will be going back to him. I was excited for you from the dryer to the end.


New Member
Would you believe that my camera battery needs charging now of all times!!!

So I'm charging it hopefully i'll get to post tonight.