How is she able to comb her hair like that


Well-Known Member
I think she may have a naturally resilient hair type. Her hair always looks really healthy and we know that she uses heat more often than we would recommend on LHCF.


I think her strand are thick, her density is quite high, and her natural texture is like a 4A.... If I tried what she is doing with my 4Z, fine strand hair, I'll be bald.

I see no issues with what she is doing cos thats how she likes her hair, and her hair seems to be able to handle the 'abuse'.


Well-Known Member
I've always combed my hair that way and my hair hasn't gotten damaged from it. I honestly forget to comb from the bottom. I'm gentle when I do it so it's not like I'm just ripping through it.


Well-Known Member
I got shtt for combing through my blown out hair on my crisco video way back when. Meanwhile, it LOOKED like I was ripping through my hair but in fact it was just the opposite cause not one strand was coming out and I definitely didn't have any hair snapping off. There is no way I would spend time on keeping my hair healthy only to rip it out. I know how to handle my hair, just like other folks know how to handle theirs, even if we do so in a different manner. (And even if they are rough with their hair...WHO CARES.)

But you know, someone always has something to say. I just wish the world would shut up sometimes.


Better Late Than Ugly
Whatever. Her hair looks fabulous. I wish I was brave enough to use direct heat and get those results. I have thick strands and I use silk dreams vanilla silks and Darcy's botanicals PSC faithfully, so please believe when I comb my hair, it is not always tip to root, and I don't get much breakage or damage from it.

If you can't get with this technique, then get over it. There is no one technique that works for everyone.

Please excuse my iPhone; it's trying to get it together


Well-Known Member
Short hair can stand up to abuse because the ends will break off/get trimmed before you see the effects of damage. It's not about not combing from the bottom- you can do that on straightened, wavy, loose, or relaxed hair that's not tangled. That's an example of some things working for some people, and not for others. But I don't think I've heard of BW who are BSL + (or heck, full APL) who you can hear the snap-crackle-pops as they snatch through their hair with a comb.

I don't see anything wrong with people respectfully pointing this out so newbies don't get confused.


New Member
Her poor hair :(

BUT it does look great!
Sometimes I get pretty sick of all my bunning and protective styling and just wish I could use heat more often and enjoy my hair.
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Well-Known Member
I peeped the Clutch t-shirt she has on and I remembered she's from my neck of the woods. WOS 4 ever!


Well-Known Member
If I was brand spanking new on my health hair journey, I wouldn't take advice form her. At my worse, when I was using heat daily, washing once a month, and I hadn't even heard of a leave-in, I maintained APL or a little longer :perplexed. I could also grow my hair from EL style to that length with no problem, so I just don't get what the appeal would be. Why would you follow someone who only know can't retain length to save her life, and wears plastic lacefronts or cheap looking weaves :nono:.

I know that she supposedly keeps her hair that length, but I've seen ladies with short, thick, luscious looking hair :lick:. Her uneven, thin but swangin' hair doesn't leave much to strive for :lol:.