Finger combing


Well-Known Member
Have you noticed any effects finger combing has had on your hair? Curious about its effects, both long term and short.


Well-Known Member
I'd like to know as well. I've been finger combing for the past few weeks, and I'm not certain if its benefiting me or not. I braid my hair immediately afterwards.


Well-Known Member
Same here, I've been giving it a try the past few weeks, but I keep relapsing back to my wide tooth comb, lol.


Well-Known Member
The reason I'm wondering is because finger combing seems to be working well for my hair. I wash every 2-3 weeks, and it's pretty much the only time I detangle. Finger combing helps me to more easily catch shed hair. When I feel like I'm done finger combing a section of hair and I put a wide tooth comb through it, it pretty much glides through which means that my finger combing was effective. I'm just wondering if this has any long term effects, both good or bad. I'm natural and I finger comb in the shower.
I've been finger combing since I bc'ed in May 2012. The only time my hair sees a comb is if I want a part. No complaints here. My roots aren't matted and my hair is growing, inching towards my MBL goal.


Well-Known Member
I've only be doing it for about a month, so hopefully a few long-term fingercombers chime in. I've noticed less breakage, it seems I'm actually getting out the shed hair and not ripping healthy hair from my head. And I've also noticed the integrity of my curls has improved, meaning faaaaaaaaar less frizz and much more defined curls. My curls are left more intact when I'm not dragging a comb or Denman through my hair.


Well-Known Member
I've also noticed that I get the Denman brush effect when I finger comb a section enough while wet, where the curls just pop.


Well-Known Member
I've been finger combing religiously for a year now. I used to use a brush and medium tooth comb. A wide tooth comb just didn't get out the shed hair enough for me. Finger combing works especially well for me because I can get out all the shed hairs. I've noticed smaller hair balls once I've finished detangling and the proportion of broken hairs is much less. Over the year my hair has thickened up and retains length much easier.
Its not all sunshine and rainbows. I get more lint because finger combing doesn't get all the fibres that my hair picks up as i go about my day. This may be in part because i only wash my hair in minibraids or plaits so the fibres aren't free to get washed away. I just use a brush every so often to get out the fibres.

Also I sometimes end up with hair everywhere because whilst finger detangling gets the shed hairs out, it doesn't collect them up neatly like a comb or brush does.


Kitchen Mixtress
I will fingercomb,100% comb-free, for months at a time. When I'm trying to achieve a very neat look, I will use a wide toothed comb, or for a sleek look I've used the Denman. My ends stay thicker from fingercombing, I have much less breakage, and I experience fewer knots. My hair is very fine and super prone to tangles/knots. If fingercombing weren't so time consuming, I would do it exclusively.

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Well-Known Member
For almost this whole year I have been comb free, but I have a lot of curly hair. My hair was very defined and clumpy, but... I haf some really bad SSKS and mini dreadlocks were forming.

So I reintroduced the comb into my regimen. I now finger detangle with coconut oil before washing, and then when I wash I use ny comb with Suave Shea Butter & Almond and then I finger detangle again when I get out to style. This has removed my SSKS and the matting I experienced. Finger detangling is awesome but I need a comb. Plus, I only detangle on wash days.


Well-Known Member
I have been finger-combing for years. This is the only way that I "comb" my hair when it is dry. When my hair is wet/damp, I use a wide-toothed shower comb.

I have had great results with this method. No problems with excessive tangling or matting. Currently, I am texlaxed, WL.


New Member
I have finger combed for almost 5 years now. Everytime i try to use a comb i just give up. i can detangle all my hair in 10 mins with my fingers, with a comb im still struggling after 30 mins


New Member
I have to finger comb. anything other than a bristle brush on my edges kills my hair. suffering a set back now cause of a denman :(