Do you buy hair products online or in store?


New Member
I'm opposite of loulou82. I do most of my shopping in store, only reason is I dislike paying for shipping and WAITING for my stuff to get here. I need my stuff to be available whenever wherever when I need it. Really all I buy offline is oils and that's for camdengrey cause I can get all my stuff in bulk for pretty fair prices. But, most likely if it's not an item I can't walk to the store and buy, its not on my "Need to Have" list. :)

Same here. Oils, herbs and ayurvedic powders online. Shampoo and conditioners at Whole Foods. I like Giovanni products.


Well-Known Member
I mostly order online. My leave-ins and moisturizers are from online vendors. I also like to try different DC's. I'm not really loyal to one brand. I like to experiment & try different things.

I keep a back up line, Giovanni, for when I'm low on my online stuff, so I can get it locally.

Umm Ebraheem

Active Member
I buy shampoo and conditioner in store. I like Aubry's for deep conditioning so that just depends on where I find a deal, online or in store. I buy all my other stuff online. I prefer the Komaza line but experiment every now and again with different products. I have yet to find a leave-in or twist butter, moisturizer, etc in a store that I like.