*nsfw & Disturbing* This Is What Happens When You Don't Wash, Comb, Care For Your Hair For Years


Well-Known Member
There is another considerably worse video where millions of maggots were eating away the dead flesh of a homeless man's feet. I think it comes from poor hygiene and an untreated open wound. All it will take is one fly to sit on the smelly mess, lay its eggs and before you know it, maggots. The possibility also exists that there was an untreated wound that turned into gangrene and dead skin, which then caused maggots to form. After all, dead bodies (or in this case, skin) that are left to decompose will eventually result in maggots. This is why I insist on being cremated.

But for this to get past the flesh and scalp to the skull is just crazy to me. I feel so bad for this person. :(

Is that really his skull.....?


The Generous Queen
*cries* I literally started whimpering at my office desk...please put a NSFW, or some other kind of warning in the title for those with weak stomachs!!

I thought I was gonna come in and see one of those big ole dread locks. My entire body is just itching after looking at that stuff!


Well-Known Member
*cries* I literally started whimpering at my office desk...please put a NSFW, or some other kind of warning in the title for those with weak stomachs!!

I thought I was gonna come in and see one of those big ole dread locks. My entire body is just itching after looking at that stuff!

I dont know how to change the title?


Bent. Not Broken.
Still not looking, clicking, nothing!

One of the last things I saw before quitting public transport was a woman similar to that. She had free form locks but no care to them and i could see things crawling around at her scalp and there was a dense layer of dead skin and scabs. Every time she turned her head something flaked off to her shoulders and the seat next to her. I need not describe the smell.:nono:

Soon after I bought a car. Seriously. Like a month later. Done with public transportation.


Instagram: adaybyjay
I watched this video earlier and it just did something to me. Like, it made skin is crawl. I clicked out of the thread and went on my way. I logged back on later tonight and seeing the title alone made my skin crawl again. Yuck.