My Cousin Has A Hair Growth Secret


Well-Known Member
I hate you! So?!?!? Long haired m-------! Whatever! <Seethes in jealousy and bitterness>


Dancin' on sunshine!
Urgh, WHY are Ethiopians like this about illness?! I'll never get it :nono:. It's definitely a cultural thing. When my mom had breast cancer and openly told people, people were shocked! There were many who advised her to keep it quiet. Like, why?! She needed the support, and someone may be helped by the info she had.

I get it. I'm not sure if it's because I am Haitian, but I feel like no matter what happens the less people know about me good/bad the better. I've seen people revel in my misfortune, or use it against me when things got rough. I will not let it happen again. I know family is supposed to be different, but many are not. They just like to have something to discuss.