Ummm...Has anyone kind of "Let their hair go" this summer



I went hardcore since April but that is only because my hair journey technically started in October in 2007, so it was just a matter of timing.


Well-Known Member
I definitely let things go - wearing a phony-pony for six weeks straight, no deep conditioning and just air drying. The downside is that I had a lot of matted, tangled hair to detangle before I got the relaxer. The upside is that I had a lot of new growth and healthy ends because they were tucked inside the phony-pony for all those weeks.
By the way - I'm a newbie.


New Member
Me too! I have barely been DCing and doing things with my hair. Once it gets cooler and my life slows down a bit, I'll get back on it,


Well-Known Member
I haven't so much let it go but I am rocking a weave for the summer! Less work. Just oil moisturize and go.


New Member
Yes! I've been super lazy. I did a second BC due to neglect about a month or two ago. I vowed to never be so lazy with my hair again(don't let it stay shrunken) and wear mostly twists. My hair hasn't seen a comb since my second big chop lol, but this week I'm going to comb it and twist it (I think).


New Member
I've been pretty bad to my hair this summer. Haven't been co-washing that often, when I do wash I only leave the condish in for as long as I am in the shower, no serious deep conditioning with heat. And i've been more than generous in using heat. In fact this weekend is going to be terrible b/c i'm going to ATL to see this boy I've been talking to for a while now, which mean hair needs to be on point, which translates to a whole lot of heat. I'm back on it though when I get back in town........


New Member
I'm guilty. I've moved back to NY and I haven't even co-washed on a regular. I just started to up my game last weekend.