
  1. AmethystLily

    Does your hair thrive best in "out" styles or "protective" styles?

    Or do you feel that your techniques and/or types of products you use are more important to your hair health?
  2. axumey

    Help!! Extreme Shedding&breakage After Protein And Moisture Overload :-((

    It all started when i was doing a selfmade protein treatment in august. I used some Whey Protein Powder and mixed it with water. I let it sit in my hair until it got hard and washed it out. Everything was fine until i decided to do it again (2 or 3 weeks later i dunno anymore). My hair started...
  3. MsSanz92

    Low Porosity And Protein

    I've seen on both here and YT amongst women with low porosity hair that they tend to stray away from protein, and focus mostly on ways to ensure that their hair stays moisturized. Many women with low porosity hair express that they have protein sensitive hair, and I guess I'm wondering if it's...