album update My baby's growth spurt

i cant believe how fast her hair is growing. you are definitely doing something right :) imagine what its gonna be like next year :shocked:
thanks guys
Ayeshia next year i dont think i'll be doing her hair without assistance!!!
She might be to the rootie tootie by years end. But i must say i was
again tempted to end her transition you can see what i was dealing
with on the shrinkage pics 2 distinct textures that dont play nice
but she doesnt want anything more than a dusting/trim so i will go with
the flow
Your daughters' hair looks so shiny and healthy. Way to go Mom! Tell your daughter I said
very simple regimine
She picked out the Suave watermelon shampoo we only wash every two to three weeks it sounds bad but we dont put anything directly on the scalp
we surge her problem spot 3-5xs a wk
we usually condition for and hour or two with a plastic bag on with the Walmart version of Pantene with the green label this time we used the Suave milk/honey
I spray with worlds of curls activator almost every day or at least every time i comb her hair
my mom greased her hair to high heaven cause she said it was dry mind you she did a dry press and i know from personal experience that she loves to grease then press so old habits kicked in and she greased for dear life LOL
thats about it
i braid her hair in 1-3 pony tails every morning-every 3mornings or she gets 2 french braids or pony braid outs
thats all folks
Congratulations on your daughters growth, I guess K.I.S.S. really works...I've got to simplify to get this stuff on my head to grow faster...
Her hair is growing so fast. :shocked: Your daughter's hair is so thick and pretty and her transition seems to be going pretty well. The K.I.S.S technique really works. :)
Her hair is growing out beuatifully. Even though the press was greasy you can definitely tell the natural/pressing route is going to keep her hair so much healthier and longer than before- way to grow out that baby's hair Momma! :)