Another Biotin Concern: Headaches


New Member
Hi Ladies:

I'm not sure if someone posted about this before, but I am wondering if biotin causes headaches. I have been taking my vitamins religiously, and wonder if taking higher doses of biotin causes headaches. Please let me know. Thanks.
Yes and Yes! I have noticed it causes headaches. But now I take it at night and I have no side effects during the day. I also had bad acne when I first started. But now that my body has adjusted to it they went away. But I noticed, for a week while I wasn't taking them, I got headache again.
I've been taking 5mg of biotin for over a month and haven't had any headaches....the only time I remember getting a headache is when I tried to increase my MSM from 500 to 1000mg (when I first started using it) now I'm up to 1500mg with no problems at all.

I hope your headache goes away!
It gave me headaches that my Excedrin couldn't knock out. Then I took the advice from someone that said to increase water intake. I also make sure I take it right after I eat. No more headaches.
Ladylynn said:
It gave me headaches that my Excedrin couldn't knock out. Then I took the advice from someone that said to increase water intake. I also make sure I take it right after I eat. No more headaches.

Thanks. I normally drink a lot of water, but lately I have been slacking. I will up the intake again.
cocoberry10 said:
Hi Ladies:

I'm not sure if someone posted about this before, but I am wondering if biotin causes headaches. I have been taking my vitamins religiously, and wonder if taking higher doses of biotin causes headaches. Please let me know. Thanks.

Yes Cocoberry10 it does. You have to drink more water and also absorbs more vitamin c (orange juice). The more biotin you consume the more vit c and water you have to take else you get headaches and breakouts
ekomba said:
Yes Cocoberry10 it does. You have to drink more water and also absorbs more vitamin c (orange juice). The more biotin you consume the more vit c and water you have to take else you get headaches and breakouts

Thanks! I just bought a bottle of Vitamin C b/c I had a cold. I guess it will be put to good use :)
cocoberry10 said:
Thanks! I just bought a bottle of Vitamin C b/c I had a cold. I guess it will be put to good use :)

You welcome Cocoberry10!:p i know i used to swallow all my vits with a huge glass of orange juice but now that i switched from the tablets msm to the powdered one, it taste sour mixing it in orange juice so i mix the msm in water and my hair vit Vitol Great hair contains enough vitamin c for my biotin pills:D. i drink from 64 oz to one gallon of water per day so i dont get any headaches and i take 10mg of biotin
i take 10 mg..trying to get that candy_c hair..i drink tons of water all headaches here
I got headaches, but honestly this time of year it could have been Biotin or my allergies. I only remember having them abt 3 times since I increased to 5mg, so it was probably the Biotin. If it was allergies it would be more frequent I guess...

I took an Aleve and it was gone in no time.
ive been taking biotin 5000mcg.. and OMG i swear those headaches were the worst!. i noticed that when i didnt drink at least 2 bottles of water my head would start pounding about 4 hours after taking it. also i started feeling a little sluggish.. most likely brought on by the headaches!. well my nails are beautiful. i guess with every positive theres a negative =(
I take Andrew Lessman's Hair Pills which has about 6 mgs per serving and so far so good...