Anxiously Approaching Bra Strap Length



I just looked in the mirror and noticed that I'm getting closer to bra strap length. I added a few more pictures to my yahoo album, but only one shows my bra strap. I have been trying to exercise patience, but now I'm just getting a little more excited. The other was supposed to show my bun, but the lighting is so poor, you can barely see anything. I'll have to try again another time.

Peachtree was right ... moisture, moisture , moisture ...and when you're finished , add more moisture ... lol. Well, it's working for me at least.

Is anyone else a little excited about getting close to BS (no pun intended) length????

Ballet Bun ...
Good for you Ballet Bun! I can see the progress you are making via your pics, keep up the good work, and you will definately make your goal.
You are so gorgeous! Anywho I have a ways more to go to bra-strap, but I'm still excited!
I truly can't wait until I get to your length!!!
Ballet Bun, gurl before you blink you will be there. Looking at that shot with your leg held in the air brought back memories as a child. I haven't been able to do that since I was 10!!!!!
Keep up the good work. Looks beautiful.
Thanks Lady's ...the bad thing is ... the progress makes me want to go out and buy even more stuff for my hair ... lol. I even had a dream last night that I bought Joico K-Pak and got free samples ... I'm definately thinking about hair a lot. I prefer to call it a hobby, and not an obsession ... lol! You think anyone would fall for that one ... lol?

Ballet Bun ...
Ballet Bun, gurl before you blink you will be there. Looking at that shot with your leg held in the air brought back memories as a child. I haven't been able to do that since I was 10!!!!!
Keep up the good work. Looks beautiful.

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Since you were 10? I've NEVER been able to do that and probably never will!! I'm as stiff as a board.

BB - your hair's def growing...
You will be there in no time. Keep up the good work. BTW, I love the pic of you and your hubby in your wedding atire!

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It's one of Norways National dresses. It's the one for where we live . I didn't want to wear the typical white(or off white)wedding dress. Unfortunately, It's not mine!!!! BUT ... at least I got the chance to wear/borrow it.

Ballet Bun ...
I prefer to call it a hobby, and not an obsession ... lol! You think anyone would fall for that one ... lol?

Ballet Bun ...

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Your hair looks very lovely and healthy!!!
You will be there in no time...

Hair is my hobby too, sort of like growing a garden.
I think that it is a nice and safe hobby. BTW, your pictures are great; very artistic.

Before you know it, your hair will be past your brastrap! Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos!
Get ready to celebrate! You will be at bra-strap soon!
Do you know how much your hair grows each month?

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I actually measured my newgrowth last week. In some areas I think there's only 1/2", but the longest I measured was 1.75". I just started taking more cysteine, just to see if that would make a difference. I'm really curious. I'll try it for 2-3 months.

Ballet Bun ...
Let us know if you see a difference when taking more cysteine, Ballet bun! I am really curious about it too!
Congratulations BB, you will be there in no time. I am about 3 inches from brastrap and trying to stretch out my relaxer as well. I am almost 9 wks post relaxer and it's getting better. I probably will try for 12wks. I was touching up every 5 wks.
That was before LHCF
Congratulations Ballet Bun, I have just finished looking at your website, it is great, congratulations on your marriage too. Your hair is getting on very well, your hair will be brastrap length very soon. Doing ballet has given you a lovely figure. Keep up the good work.
Thank you BahamaMama, brickhouse, jainygirl, offthechainliz , Valerie ...

Ballet Bun ...