Anybody have any Weave success?


New Member
You know I hardly post, but I am a dedicated fan to this site. I get so much inspiration, and understanding from reading these threads, I feel like I know some of you, like your my coworkers or something.
Well, my hair is doing ok. I wear it up 80% of the time, cover it at night and I watch my stylist like a hawk (I will get up and leave in a quick minute, and I always remind her that it's MY hair and any decision is MINE).So although I have not had any set-backs, I have just not gotten the growth that I got when I would weave continuously for long periods at a time.
So after 4 years of wearing my own hair in buns (or press n curl) I think I am going to commit to weaving for a year.

The down side is: the serious itchies, and rattiness that weaves sometimes get when they get old. Fake Hair everywhere from shedding The money.

Up Side: My hair is totally left alone, it is well greased. I can forget about it and stop looking at it and feeling frustrated and angry. I have had real success with weaving and have gone from chewed-up hair to near bra-strap using that technique.

Anybody else go through this? Anybody have any weave success that made it worth the cost? Any body think weaving is a bad idea for hair that is medium length already???
I'm using sew-ins to grow out my hair. My hair really benefits from being braided. I use hair from and/or Indian hair is totally reusable and it doesn't tangle very often.
I'm still using braided weaves to get to my goal length and I'm already BBSL, so if it works for you than its worth the cost.
I alternate somtimes between weaved and my own hair, but sometimes its better not ot see your hair and obsess about it. I just put in my products daily, baggie, at night and I'm done.
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Like another poster mentioned you can use hair which sheds/tangles minimally or you can try the Sensationnel Goddess Remi line which is a great quality hair that is easily accessible in beauty supply stores. They have Yaki, curly and silky straight textures. HTH.
henrilou said:
You know I hardly post, but I am a dedicated fan to this site. I get so much inspiration, and understanding from reading these threads, I feel like I know some of you, like your my coworkers or something.
Well, my hair is doing ok. I wear it up 80% of the time, cover it at night and I watch my stylist like a hawk (I will get up and leave in a quick minute, and I always remind her that it's MY hair and any decision is MINE).So although I have not had any set-backs, I have just not gotten the growth that I got when I would weave continuously for long periods at a time.
So after 4 years of wearing my own hair in buns (or press n curl) I think I am going to commit to weaving for a year.

The down side is: the serious itchies, and rattiness that weaves sometimes get when they get old. Fake Hair everywhere from shedding The money.

Up Side: My hair is totally left alone, it is well greased. I can forget about it and stop looking at it and feeling frustrated and angry. I have had real success with weaving and have gone from chewed-up hair to near bra-strap using that technique.

Anybody else go through this? Anybody have any weave success that made it worth the cost? Any body think weaving is a bad idea for hair that is medium length already???

Wow, it's nice to see you posting. Your album was one of the first ones I saw when I joined and your story was VERY inspirational to me. I've alternated between weaves, braids and wearing my own hair but it really does seem like I notice more growth when my hair is either braided or weaved. I have actually been debating about what to do next and I'm leaning towards a sew in since I haven't had one in a while.

I just get bored with keeping my hair braided up, whether in a weave or braids so it's hard for me to stick with a regime consistently. I need more discipline.
Thankyou Chanteuse that meant alot.
And THANKYOU for That was very inspirational and now I have made my appointment for a sew-in. I had to research and it all came back to me how much growth I have had with weaves. And I am ready for a mental rest. It seems lately that I have been in the mirror, getting upset and frustrated and just wanting to scream. I forgot how relieved I would feel when my hair was up in a weave---just giving my mind a rest... Reniece's site is soooo motivating...

Thanks for the replies, you helped make up my mind.