Anyone else having trouble searching?

I have trouble on and off. 50% of the time, I get the white screen. The other 50% it works. There are a couple of threads about this in the suggestion forum. They recommend sending in a ticket. . .
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This happens to me as well sometime. I get around it by googling a question or product and it will bring up results from LHCF. HTH.
I noticed that I have this problem when I search for something that may appear a lot. If I get very specific in the search box, a lot of the time I'll have success. HTH
Here is a couple of work arounds that might work for you because I get it too.

When you search for a "thread" this is when it locks up the most. If you get the white screen, right click mouse and select refresh. If there is any info it will appear, if not it will redirect you to the main search page. From there you can try your search again.

A second option is to do a post search because the system wont have as much to search for, and from there you can just pick out the threads. HTH until the issue is resolved.