Best Natural Looking Semi Perm Color?


New Member

I am looking for suggestions on the best semi permanent hair color. I am trying to get rid of these brassy looking ends and would like to apply a semi permanent color to "even out" my color. I do not want anything too black, so I was thinking of maybe a dark brown or soft black. Also, if you have tried this, what were your results? I bought Jazzin' in brown and black and tried to mix them, but it did not come out. My hair is still coppery...:perplexed

Does anyone have any suggestions? TIA.
I just recently mixed soft black color rinse and dark brown color rinse and I love the results. My ends were coppery too from a previous dye job....the ends are subtly lighter than the rest of my hair but you can't tell unless you are looking really hard for it. My hair looks healthier/shinier. The color looks like dark black and in the sun it looks deep brown(brown lowlights). I can't remember the brand but it's a lot better than jazzin. I'll update when I get home.
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