I'm 20, a rising senior in college, with shoulder length natural hair. But its only shoulder length when stretched. I can honestly say that guys LOVE my hair. I get ALOT of shrinkage and even when I rock my hair stretched in a big fro I get nothing but compliments. This is from guys my age of all backgrounds. Where I catch slack, ironically, is from the females.

But back to the guys thing. My best friend is the whole "I love girls with flowing long straight, blow in the wind hair" but surprisingly he REALLY loves my hair and that I am natural. I wore my hair straight one day and he dang near had a heart attack because he thought i had a perm.
Having been natural and am now relaxed (properly)... I haven't noticed a vast difference in the amount of attention from black men or any other men. I will say that white women liked my natural hair more than black women, however.
I really could care less about what black men think. I have options and I tend to gravitate to those who DO like my hair, which is often non-black men. There for my energy will go that-a-way.
I think this is true, not for all black men, but a large group. I have however found I do get looks/attention from all different races including this GORGEOUS guy that was half black half bengali yesterday. But my SO who is white loves my natural hair. So embrace the all things that come with being natural, the sour with the sweet!