Conditioner as a Braid/Twisting Cream???


New Member
Hello Lovely Ladies,

Was wondering has anyone used conditioner as a twisting/braiding cream?

My routine Saturday:

henna/cassia/amla (depending on how I feel)
wash it out (Organix Coconut Milk Conditioner)
a deep treatment (Jessicurl WDT)
a leave in conditioner (Garnier S&S, Giovanni Direct Leave In)
and then either twist or braid using MissJessie's Curly Buttercreme/Merinque

I retwist/braid every other day (I PT alot) and when I do, I use either Miss Jessie's or Darcy's Organic Coconut & Aloe Moisture Pudding. But, lately, I've noticed that my hair is drinking it in and not as soft as it is the day after I do my Saturday routine. :perplexed So, after reading a thread on "How long do you deep condition" I decided to use conditioner as my twisting cream for a few days and see how it goes. So far, it's been pretty good, was thinking about using the conditioner and the twist creme it see if that's better.

So here's my question to all the ladies of LHCF, "What do you use as a braid/twist creme?"

Oh, and please let us know how well it work for you and the brand for us PJs!

Thanks Ladies!!
Anything but gel. During the winter I'll use Qhemet's heavy cream to keep the hair moist. During the summer it's normally just conditioner, water and maybe a dab of olive oil for the ends.

Wash, deep condition then twist w/conditioner.

Also it depends on whether I'm twisting on wet or dry hair. Dry hair just some olive oil or a touch of heavy cream, wet hair - conditioner. For my hair, the brand/ingredients doesn't really matter much but I prefer some type of product that contains some silicone.

Best, most defined and long lasting twistouts come from wet and damp hair worn for a few days.
I love using conditioner for my flat twists. I use Suave Naturals usually, plus some Dove Body & lift Mousse. It works great and keeps my hair moist :yep:
My product usage has gotten so simple it's almost ridiculous lol. I pretty much only use leave-in and serum on a daily basis. I use liquid leave-in when doing twist/braid outs on freshly washed hair, and when I set it at night I use cream leave-in. I've got quite a few rinse out conditioners I need to use up so I'll propbably use those when I start wearing 2 strands.
I make my own twisting cream by adding a little Kinky Curly Custard to Giovanni direct leave in. The larger ration being on the Leave in side. It dilutes the custard but provides moisture and hold.

ETA: no glycerine in this combo so no frizzing either :Yep: