

New Member
Hey guys. I have a question on cutting my hair. I'm relaxing today and I know that my hair will be uneven because I've had braids and I havn't had a braids in like........well I don't even remember the last time. So I was wondering, is it possible for someone that has no experience in cutting hair (relative) to cut the back (I just want it even in the back, the front looks halfway layered already) and it look right? Since I'm not looking for a particular style and just an even back, do you think this is practical or should I go to a salon? (I would end up having to braid my hair up again and wait because I don't have the money for that right now) Does anyone have any tips for at home cutting? I would really appreciate it!


New Member
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Active Member
I've had a friend cut mine straight across the back for me(I trust her). I think it's okay as long as you are comfortable with who does it. Start out by trimming only the uneven ends(tips)...then a little more at a time until you get the amount you want cut off..


New Member
my mother usually cuts my hair. I just have her cut it even across the back since it's one length. She knows how scissor phobic I am, so she's really conservative about how much she cuts. Make sure it's someone you trust and make sure you communicate exactly what you want. Someone else mentioned cutting off a little at a time - that is a good idea. It's better to cut too little than too much. Now that I want layers in the back of my hair I have to go to a professional - that scares me more.