Do you think that Aubrey Organics GPB...


Coils coils & more coils!
is a strong enough protein conditioner or should I also add another to my regimen? is the only one that I'm using. The others in my regimen are pretty mild. I see that a lot of you that are using it...are also using other protein conditioners. If it isn't strong enough...any recommendations?

This is my favorite protein conditioner. I've never used a strong protein, because I don't think my hair needs a strong one. How is your hair reacting to GPB?
I love the GPB.
It has cut down on my shedding dramatically. I don't need to follow up with a moisturizing conditoner or anything like that. It is really my first time using a protein conditioner. I use Kenra...and a few with milk proteins..but I think they are mild proteins. Thanks for the reply.
Since your hair is doing well, it doesn't sound like you need a strong protein hun. Just my opinion tho.
Thanks. I'm glad that that it can be my only deep/protein conditioner....cause I don't need to purchase another thing.
Most of the money I'm earning is going to my hair care.
Sad...but true.