Embrace your hair shedding!


Active Member
Shedding is Normal

Believe it or not, shedding after starting a treatment is fairly common. In fact, more often than not, our users report increased loss a few weeks to a few months after starting Propecia or Rogaine (or both!). But what a shock it can be to those who don't expect it. They finally take that dive into the daily commitment of fighting their hair loss. They're finally ready to do something about it, and as hopeless as things may seem, they put all their trust in the clinical data. They have a few weeks of feeling a little better about things, hoping for the best, knowing they're doing all they can ... and then something goes wrong. They actually start to *lose* hair. At least that's how it looks. Instead of going forward, they're going backwards. The more level headed shedders decide to wait it out a few days, only to see it continue... and continue... and continue. The rest panic, or just throw in the towel entirely. They decide they are not "responders" to the treatment, that the treatment doesn't work, or quite simply that God has forsaken them. Fortunately, they're wrong on all three counts...​

What exactly is Shedding?

In all cases, treatments or no treatments, shedding is not actually "losing hair". This is one of the most common misconceptions in the world of hair loss. Shedding is in fact just the transition of follicles from growth phase to resting phase. They don't fall out and die, never to return. They in fact "go to sleep", to return several months later. Hair follicles work in cycles as part of their normal processes. Even the person not losing his or her hair goes through the same cycles. The hair will grow for awhile, and it will rest for awhile. In the case of someone *not* using any treatments, but experiencing Androgenetic Alopecia (Male or Female pattern baldness), shedding is typically the continued cyclical process, combined with miniaturization. What does this mean? It means each time those hairs go dormant and come back, they come back weaker, thinner, and less pigmented, ultimately resulting in the perception of less hair and more scalp skin showing. There are theories out there as to why hair seems to go "all at once" for those losing hair, but they are still just theories. The most common one is the theory that those with androgenetic alopecia see more of a synchronization of dormancy. Meaning - more hairs go dormant at the same time, ejecting the existing hair and shutting down temporarily. Either way, the moral of the story is the same: Shedding is not losing hair. Its dormancy. And it is up to you as to whether those hairs cycle back in thicker and stronger, or thinner and weaker. That's where using a DHT inhibiting, or growth stimulating treatment comes into play.​

Shedding *because* of my Treatment?!?

Its possible, and as mentioned above, rather common. Surprised? Its actually the most common reason why people think hair loss treatments don't work! If you start a new treatment like Rogaine or Propecia, you probably will shed, but the amount of hair shed varies from person to person. It has long been suspected that there is an increase in shedding in the first 3 months or so. Recently, some studies using a digital phototrichogram (Trichoscan, Marburg, Germany) proved that there was indeed a quantifiable increase in shedding and a corresponding loss of hair density in the first 3 months of minoxidil use. However, by the 6 month stage the subjects were shown to have regrown the lost hair and had increased hair density compared to that recorded at the start of treatment. By 12 months after starting minoxidil use their hair density was much improved and the diameter of the hair fibers was thicker than at the start of treatment and as compared to controls who did not receive treatment. This small study proves what has long been suspected and frequently discussed on hair loss forums, that there is an initial shed phase when first starting minoxidil use.​

How long will it last?

Shedding is temporary. If the individual continues their treatment consistently, despite the seeming despair and loss of hope, shedding will end and the lost hair should be replaced.​

Why does it happen?

Although we do not know exactly why the shedding occurs, the most likely explanation is due to how the hair follicle “organ” operates. Hair follicles are relatively inflexible in their anagen, "hair producing" state. In response to additional stimuli the growing hairs may be able to increase their growth rate or increase the diameter of the hair fiber produced a little, but it is not possible for a hair follicle to undergo big changes in size while producing hair fiber. What ends up happening, is that when that follicle gets hit with a growth stimulant like Minoxidil, it is given a very strong signal to change size (expand) and increase activity. The rule of the follicle is that it must then stop, and start over. The existing hair is ejected, the follicle goes into dormancy, and begins to restructure its processes to produce a thicker, stronger hair that can produce a bigger (thicker) hair fiber.​

Shedding is a sign that the Treatment is Working

Howso??? When Rogaine is applied to stimulate hair follicles, the follicles must regress, shed the old fiber, rearrange themselves into a bigger hair follicle, and start making a new, improved fiber. This would inevitably lead to a temporary shed phase. You're seeing your hairs respond. Its unfortunate that the first sign of new hair growth is seeming hair LOSS, but that's the way it works, quite often.​

There is a belief among some dermatologists that an initial shed phase when first starting to use a treatment for hair loss is inevitable regardless of the treatment used. Because of the hair follicle’s inflexibility in changing the nature of hair growth mid stream, for any drug to promote hair growth it must involve hair follicles entering telogen to rearrange themselves into a larger follicle under the influence of the drug. However, certainly, the shed phase with minoxidil use can be very apparent in some people.​

But "BOB" on xxxx.com told me that the shedding will NEVER STOP!

There are a few who claim that using treatments like Propecia and Minoxidil can cause a persistent shedding that lasts longer than the first three months. While there is no hard research evidence to support these claims, it is always possible that an individual may have an adverse reaction to a drug. We are each unique because of our different genetic make up and the different environments in which we live. This means that there are somewhat different responses to the same drug when used by different people. It is almost inevitable that a very few people will have a bad reaction to a drug. It may be that for a few minoxidil does more harm than good and follicle growth cycles are adversely affected. If this is the case, stopping use of the drug should allow the body to recover. However, it is most likely that many of the claims for persistent shedding actually come from those who are experiencing the expected shedding in the first 3 months, have not been consistent with their dosages, or have been continually adding or taking away from their treatment regimen.

In Conclusion - Don't Count Hairs

In terms of understanding hair loss, the nature of shed hair and the rate of shedding is not very important, although it may be disturbing to see. Shedding is natural, everyone sheds hair daily whether affected by hair loss or not. You can shed up to 100 scalp hairs a day without having any scalp hair loss. A few people may shed more than this but still not develop baldness. To understand the development of hair loss the main factor to consider is the rate of hair growth and replacement, not so much the rate of shedding. Some people have a high rate of shedding but also a high rate of hair growth. The result is no net loss of hair on the scalp. Some people have a low rate of hair shedding and a low hair regrowth rate. The result is similarly no alopecia development. The problem comes when someone sheds hair at a faster rate than it is replaced. This is the scenario where baldness develops. You can have a normal or even a low shed rate and still develop baldness. If the hair is being shed faster than it regrows then alopecia will develop. So the amount hair shed each day/week/month is a poor diagnostic indicator of hair loss. To define alopecia you must look at what is left on the scalp. That is where it counts.​


New Member
This may also be the reason why people experience increased amounts of shedding when using MTG and MT. I think it changes the person's hair cycle, speeding up the resting/growing/sheadding phases.


Active Member
This is really good info... I hope a lot of the other ladies who shed often see it. I have always been a heavy shedder, but I do not panic as long as I do not see bald spots... smile....


Well-Known Member
Thanks! Great info! I believe the information is true because if you knew how much hair I used to shed before washing with new techniques, you would think that I'd be bald by now. :lachen:


Well-Known Member
This may also be the reason why people experience increased amounts of shedding when using MTG and MT. I think it changes the person's hair cycle, speeding up the resting/growing/sheadding phases.

I have always thought this is why growth aids cause shedding. It also makes me question the longterm effectiveness of using growth aids. I think they can be great from some suffering from hair loss or breakage to help them get their hair in order. But I am afraid of using it all over a healthy scalp that grows hair just fine. I am sure the shedding will stop, but when the person stops using the growth aid, does hair growth slow down.

I guess it does not matter if a person just gets the chance to reach their goal faster, but it still concerns me. I have tried several growth aids, but can never stick with them because I get nervous that I am messing with something that works just fine on its own naturally.


Well-Known Member
I think january Noir mentioned this in a thread the other day. It's good to know why my hair started shedding after I used WEN lavendar for a while....


Well-Known Member
Thanks. This is why I haven't really tried to stop the shedding even though I haven't noticed any. I think the growth process is just being sped up. Q


New Member
I've always had hair shedding, never really worried about it, until I came to this site and many said it was bad. I still ignore it unless I see tons of it! Thanks for the info!


New Member
What a wonderful post! Great info!!!! I've stopped (trying) to count my shed hairs...it only makes me sad, lol. I shed a lot, but my hair isn't thinning, so I guess I'm in the clear.

Thanks again for this!


Well-Known Member
thanks so much for posting this. i have been a big shedder as far back as i can remember, when i was natural and when i was relaxed (i just texlaxed for the first time!). has anyone seen a slowing of shedding when using garlic supplements? i bought some and just started yesterday, so i will see how it goes.


New Member
Thanks for posting this, I have always been a major shedder. I try not to count the hairs, its not like i can put them back on my head, but its still reassuring to read this


New Member
[ Recently, some studies using a digital phototrichogram (Trichoscan, Marburg, Germany) proved that there was indeed a quantifiable increase in shedding and a corresponding loss of hair density in the first 3 months of minoxidil use. However, by the 6 month stage the subjects were shown to have regrown the lost hair and had increased hair density compared to that recorded at the start of treatment. By 12 months after starting minoxidil use their hair density was much improved and the diameter of the hair fibers was thicker than at the start of treatment and as compared to controls who did not receive treatment.

I wonder if this also means that it would take 6-12 months of consistent adherence to see the full effect of any regimen --vitamin, healthy diet, exercise, etc. On the other hand, does this also means that the breakage, dryness, dandruff, etc. that we experience could be the product of something that was done months earlier. Food for thought.

Thanks for posting OP.


New Member
Bumping for those worried about shedding due to "growth aids".

Also, please remember that shedding is a normal part of the hair growth cycle. So even after an initial spike in shedding after beginning a growth treatment, you will still shed. It's normal to shed 50-100 hairs per day (on average) and as long as you're not going bald, you're fine.


New Member
I just finished washing/conditioning my hair and noticed that I shed probably 40 or so hairs throughout that process and air drying. I just started using MT for the past 4 days so I hope this is the reason for me shedding so much hair. Either that or the NTM shampoo and conditioner that I tried for the first time today is doing something :perplexed. I hope its not that because I like how my hair feels at the moment considering I'm 7 weeks into my first 12 week stretch
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New Member
This is really great info. I started using a growth aid for hair loss recently and experienced major sheading so I thought it might not have been working. I had always shed a lot but did not have any thinning until recently and that's when I got worried. I hope to see an improvement soon!


New Member
Im experiencing a lot of shedding at the moment thats making me really sad. After reading the above information i have a few questions. If the amount of shedding i have, has increased DRAMATICALLY without growth aids does that mean that my my hair follicles have decided to go into the shedding phase. Or is my normal shedding considered the shedding phase for each follicle and this increase is something else. I washed my hair yday and just from finger combing there was so much hair. My hair was in a twist out for 5 days but i never expected this much shedding compared to normal. Even now that its in twist if I lightly pull on the ends hair is just coming out in my hands, sometimes it looks like 2 hairs are coming from the same place like a coil with 2 or 3 hairs. I only expect shedding like this if I had a weave. I started taking biotin and vitamins again but not regularly enough to see a difference and when I was taking it before i never had shedding like this. Could this be an overload of some sort. Please help im going to upload pics.
