Finding a Trichologist


Well-Known Member
Are there really medically certified trichologists around? My sister asked me to help her search for one and we keep getting a list of hair dressers, either that or male hair transplant centers.

I'm just curious to know how to find doctors who can examine the hair shaft, perform scalp biopsies and diagnose and treat issues pertaining to hair.

Have you used a trichologist? Show we be looking for dermatologists instead?

My Friend

New Member
Trichologist are highly respected and sought out in Europe and all other countries. Dermatologist in the USA were successful in taking away services normally performed by Trichnologist in other countries.

Trichologist in some countries are in school for 3 years and have a 1 year internship. They are highly respected as well.

Dermatologist wanted and want all the money. They are currently trying to stop Estheticians from performing microdermabrasion.

Are you in the US?


Well-Known Member
I'm in the US. My sister is in Connecticut to be exact. I suggested that she call up dermatologists and ask about the services they perform.

It seems like we need to be in the UK, though. Our searches are turning up empty.

I amreally hoping to find a specialist for her. She's been suffering issues with her hair since she was about 3 or 4 years old and she's finally hit a breaking point.


Well-Known Member
....something I'd be if I had to start school ALLL OVER again...

I have nothing useful to add to this thread.


Well-Known Member
OhmyKimB there's definitely a demand for it...It's never too late. You look pretty young.

I'm telling my sister to find a good dermatologist until we find another option.
I also suggesting that she try a gluten-free diet for a couple of months. I'm reading that there are links to alopecia areata and diffuse alopecia.


Well-Known Member
Yeah but I just wasted massive money on being a CPA (still in progress) so I figure I should at least do that for a while first lol.

I haven't written it off though....


Well-Known Member
You're definitely in a good field. I hope to go back for something pertaining to finance. It's so important.