First Aid for "Hair Emergencies"


Well-Known Member
I'm at work and my second day curls were looking crazy, so I just made an emergency styling cream out of what I could scavenge at my desk - hair gel and Vaseline Creamy :grin:

Have you ever had to do an emergency restyle at work?

What do you suggest for a work "hair emergency" kit??
This is my kit
~At least 2 goodie ouchless hair bands (to do an emergency puff/bun/ponytail style)
~a head band
~a large hair clip
~a spare brush/comb
~gel and oil (usually put them in an old medicine bottle)
~and a mirror at my desk

those should help with any diasters that may happen at work!
lol I thought I was the only one who did this! :laugh:

I keep an emergency bun kit: smoothing brush, 2 headbands, an elastic, and about 5-6 bobby pins, along with some cheapie conditioner to help smooth and coat my ends (currently white rain). I've had to break into this kit on many occasions :yep:
Hmm...I have serum (didn't want to use cones today), gel, bobby pins, small claw clips, a mirror, and a couple of brushes here at work. I never thought of it as an emergency kit until I realized I didn't have the one thing I needed - some cheapie conditioner! Thus the resort to the creamy Vaseline/gel combo!

ETA: I'm still cringing that I actually resorted to putting Vaseline in my hair! I have now added a bottle of conditioner and a small container of avocado butter to my kit. But I think what helped the most is that I simply smoothed some water into my hair and my curls freshened up.
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