Gallery of Protective are welcomed!!!


Well-Known Member
Wassup LHCF ladies !?!

I really need to figure out some nice protective styles that I can wear (while I'm on this haircare journey). And I know some ladies would appreciate seeing what protective styles a lot of ladies wear.

So please do post pics of your favorite protective styles and what you have to do to get your hair to look that way. I'm interested in buns, braids, whatever. If it's protective I want to see it!

Please also bring up questions, concerns and comments about protective styles.

You can also throw in some info. on what you put on your hair (your fav. leave in, oil, etc.) too. Thanks!

PS If a thread like this exist somewhere, can someone bump it so I won't be duplicating?

I'll kick it off. I like this ladies bun:

They used some foam shape thing on her hair that is supposed to help get that perfect bun shape. Here is the website: Then they put that pretty bun decoration thing on top. I think it's cute and I might consider wearing something like this one day.
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