God Has Plans for You!!!


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God Has Plans For You

Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

At the end of the play, "Madea Goes To Jail," Madea tells Sonny and Wanda that she knew they were going to get together. They both surprisingly ask her how she knew that. Her response was simple yet very profound, "I wrote it". Tyler Perry, aka, Madea already knew how the story was going to end because he had penned every line, orchestrated every movement, and even given them free will to adlib at times.

Think about that for a moment. God is your producer and your director and has given you the starring role. He has a purpose and a plan for you, and he wants you to follow his direction and take your cues from him. You may not think that you're capable. There may be others who are trying to upstage you. You might even be at a point where you want to continue working behind the scenes. And that's fine, if you know that's where God would have you to be. Everyone can't be in the spotlight.

You might play a supporting role. You may even be the stage hand. But, whatever your role, you have to know that it all fits into His perfect plan for your life. He promised peace to the exiles in our text today, yet the promise wasn't fulfilled until about 60 years later. Don't become frustrated or give up if you have yet to discover your purpose. You have a purpose, and it's up to you to talk to God, your creator and director. He's already cast you. Even if you have to rehearse a little more than everyone else, keep practicing. It's up to you to follow the script and be the Leading Lady and Leading Man you were created to be. You'll be able to take a bow and will receive rave reviews. How do I know? It's in the script...the B-I-B-L-E, and God says so.

Father God, thank you for the plans and purpose you have for each of us. We know that you are a father who knows best so teach us how to follow the plans that you have for our lives. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.