Hair (ex: Wanake) before and after pics


New Member
Don't know if this has been posted before but check out some of these before and afters.

Anyone on here use any of these products. I remember trying the system once way back when but it was way to expensive to keep on purchasing. I can't remember how I liked the product because back then I tried everything looking for that mirical product
The models' hair-dos are beautiful and inspiring. And their online guides are excellent. IMO however, the products are very expensive, and full of chemicals and perfumes. I purchased the Beneficial Phase package quite a while back. The Shampoo was moisturizing but not detangling, so you have to use the separate detangler (which works pretty good). The Advanced Conditioner is extremely thick, the consistency of which I love. I did not use it long enough to tell whether it benefited my hair, but I don't recall it being very detangling either (it also contains Alcohol, Petrolatum and Mineral Oil.) The Oil for the Hair was okay but had no oils in it at all, just lots of chemicals. The perfumes actually made me very dizzy--very strong smells. I don't know, I think their emphasis is on the appearnce of the hair and their products--they need to update their ingredients and go for what actaully benefits the health of the hair more so than what can make the hair just "look good." You know what I mean?

perfect peace