Have you ever heard of....


New Member
a plant called rachette sp.? Anyone from trinidad might know about it. I was wondering if it really helps with growth? Because on that african wonders site (angela de joseph is the owner) she claims that's what helped her mother get to be known for her "growing hands" who was from trinidad. So I asked my bro in law's SO (she's from trinidad) about it, and she told me that people with locks over there use it and pointed to someone who used it who had locks almost to her backside. I was just wondering if anybody had heard of it. Besides that I used her hydrolyzer (which btw is VERY moisturizing!!!) and she claims it was in there (along with some peppermint smelled like) and i did experience quite a bit of growth when i was using it (when I was natural, gonna start again), or maybe it was my imagination!! I was just wondering does anyone here use it?