How long does a large tub of relaxer last....


Well-Known Member
My friend told me that on the relaxer labels it says to throw out left over relaxer. I told her I was going to buy a big container of relaxer and she wanted to know why, since you have to throw it out. She said it says "For Professional Use" because a hairdresser will use a large container within a week on their client's hair, but if we buy it, then it will sit for about 2-3 months until we use it again for touch-ups. This is the first time I have ever heard this. Has anybody else heard about this? So, how long does a large container of relaxer last? Is it still good if I use it 2-3 months later? I'm trying to determine if it is worth buying a large container of relaxer. Any expressions will be welcome.
I'm pretty sure your relaxer will keep, but I don't see how you would be able to use up large tub. This is a lye relaxer, right? No-lye does not keep after it has been mixed.
CAPlush said:
I'm pretty sure your relaxer will keep, but I don't see how you would be able to use up large tub. This is a lye relaxer, right? No-lye does not keep after it has been mixed.

wow, really? i never knew that! :look: yet another reason why, if i ever go back to relaxing, i will use lye...
I've had the same large tub of Silk Elements for several months. I just used it a few weeks ago and it was fine. I think that throwing it out thing is for no-lye relaxers that have to be mixed because, otherwise, lye-relaxers just sitting on the shelf at the BSS would have to be thrown out every few days, right?
CAPlush said:
I'm pretty sure your relaxer will keep, but I don't see how you would be able to use up large tub. This is a lye relaxer, right? No-lye does not keep after it has been mixed.

It's like the big container, I believe it's like 4lbs. I guess it's just to keep from buying those small 15oz containers everytime you need a touchup. Do you still think it will keep and if so, how long do you think it should last me. I just want to know if it is worth it to buy a big container.
I have a big tub of relaxer that I got almost a year ago and I just used some of it 3 weeks ago and it is still good. I have only used half the tub though because I don't relax as often as I use to and I kinda regret buying it. I think I might use it one more time and get rid of it.
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I always get the large tub of Mizani and it is fine. I do however make sure that each time I get a touch-up I dip out enough of it into a smaller container so the tub is not just sitting opened. I read something about it oxygenizing (sp?) or something. Not sure if it's true or not I just do it to be safe. And I notice that my hairdresser used to do that also so it must be something to it. Other than that, the tub should stay fine for at least a year, thats how long I keep mine. Maybe longer.
A beautician once told me that if u close it tightly, tun it upside down to prevent air damage, and keep it refrigerated, it should last for 18-24 months without a problem. I keep my tub refrigerated and I had no problems using it a year later.
Strive4longhair said:
Has anyone ever used half of a relaxer and froze the rest to use for the next touch-up? I am referring to box relaxers.

my mother use to do that with no - lye relaxers....she would take out how much she needed ...mixed a little activator and then put the rest in the freezer...I dont know if its a good thing...but thats what she used to do.
HersheyKiss0903 said:
I always get the large tub of Mizani and it is fine. I do however make sure that each time I get a touch-up I dip out enough of it into a smaller container so the tub is not just sitting opened. I read something about it oxygenizing (sp?) or something. Not sure if it's true or not I just do it to be safe. And I notice that my hairdresser used to do that also so it must be something to it. Other than that, the tub should stay fine for at least a year, thats how long I keep mine. Maybe longer.

I was gonna post this. Just take out enough for your touch up and don't dip out of the container while you are relaxing.
I buy the large container all the time. To avoid it not working, I learned to remove what I am going to use and keep it covered. They actually teach you that in hair school, but hey who listens... :)