how to find peace and fill this empty void


New Member
okay heres the deal.. im not happy.. i try and be happy. i try to find things to keep me occupied but i still feel empty...i think that once i get this or that that i will be satisified but im sure thats not totally true.. . me and god have had a rough relationship because i feel so empty like hes not there... i try so hard to pray but i feel sometmies i get nothing from it honestly.. i have so many issues... with home going back to school work and just my life in general and its very frustrating and when you dont have ppl who want to listen and help you its very hard... i got my self into a situation that im trying hard to get out of and im thinking its because of not have a strong relationship with god.. but the funny thing is that i was trying to its not lik ei was sitting there just doing nothing.. i prayed listened for god read my bible tried to understand wat i read to no avial.. not trying to be negative but its hard for me. i get jealous sometimes of people who are so strong and dont break easily cause im like how do you do it.. cause im trying and i still fall sometimes.. i dunno what to do .... i just prayed cried my eyes out in the bathroom now i gotta try to keep my self together at work.. which at times can be depressing too.. what should i do? Also i feel so weird sometimes.. like i feel im different.. i thnk diff i see stuff different and i feel so at odds when everyone else doesnt get me.. its hard... i always feel attacked cause i just look at atuff differently. i get hurt easily and always wonder why i am so soft.. i try my best to be strong but i still am weak in that area...

i know the devil is attacking me and i really need to get myself together but i feel really low... and sometimes me when i cant understand stuff i give up... thats just how i think... i feel like with understanding i can mouve forward but with none im at a stand still

sorry for addign so much but i wanted to add that im thankful to go cause he has helped me... he has done great things in my life. . however i feel the situations im in now... i need his help the most.. more than i did before and i feel hes has gone away... i mean he might be there but it just doesnt feel that way... I want to feel his presence the way i did before and i dont...
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First youre not different. Because what you just posted is how I have been feeling as well. I stopped going to church for awhile because I was having a hard time with people giving me advise like it was so easy, but its easier for them because their faith is so much stronger. So I know how you feel. I can't offer you to much advice except to say what I am trying to do is to find my own story. Every one has their testimony and what brought them through. You need to find your own. Really look at your life and everything that you been through. I am sure you will find it. It doesnt have to be big. But think about a situation where you could not have made it, where something really bad could have happened but for nothing else but the grace of God you came through. I think that is a good way to start your faith walk.

And focus on yourself , who you are and the fact there there is no one in this world like you. That makes you special. Focus on the things that do make you happy. And if you are in a situation now such as maybe work your not happy with, then find joy in discovering how you can make the change. Often we look for the results to make us happy. But we need to look at the journey and what you experience through the journey. Its okay to not know where you are right now. You have to pick up and say "what do I want?" and "how can I get there?"

I would recommend you read Divine Inspirations blogs on here. They have been so on point with what your talking about. IMO.
First youre not different. Because what you just posted is how I have been feeling as well. I stopped going to church for awhile because I was having a hard time with people giving me advise like it was so easy, but its easier for them because their faith is so much stronger. So I know how you feel. I can't offer you to much advice except to say what I am trying to do is to find my own story. Every one has their testimony and what brought them through. You need to find your own. Really look at your life and everything that you been through. I am sure you will find it. It doesnt have to be big. But think about a situation where you could not have made it, where something really bad could have happened but for nothing else but the grace of God you came through. I think that is a good way to start your faith walk.

And focus on yourself , who you are and the fact there there is no one in this world like you. That makes you special. Focus on the things that do make you happy. And if you are in a situation now such as maybe work your not happy with, then find joy in discovering how you can make the change. Often we look for the results to make us happy. But we need to look at the journey and what you experience through the journey. Its okay to not know where you are right now. You have to pick up and say "what do I want?" and "how can I get there?"

I would recommend you read Divine Inspirations blogs on here. They have been so on point with what your talking about. IMO.

Excellent post!

I have been there and felt the same way. What you feel is normal. I feel different, too. I think I see things differently from some people. But you know what....that's okay.

I've been working on my faith. I read the bible daily. I have a bible at my desk, in my living room, and next to my bed. I do read the Book of Job daily. His faith was unwavering! I read Psalm 23 everyday, also. You have to feed your spirit with the Word everyday. I still battle with low times and negative thoughts. I know God loves me and want to give me my hearts desires.

Don't think everyone is strong and it just you. Every person in my life thinks I am strong but they don't see the tears at night. They don't know how many times I literally had to throw myself out of bed. I, too, have sat at my desk crying, not knowing the reason why.

Someone here mention the book "The Battlefield of the mind" by Joyce Meyers. This book has been a God send for me. It has help me to change my thought pattern. If you would like I will send you a copy of this book. I will PM you.

Take care and God bless you!
Thanks! I myself am going to get that book along with taking an active approach to reading and understanding the bible every day.
Someone here mention the book "The Battlefield of the mind" by Joyce Meyers. This book has been a God send for me. It has help me to change my thought pattern. If you would like I will send you a copy of this book. I will PM you.

Take care and God bless you!

I mentioned it in my thread about how I got out of my depression. God brought that book to my attention. It was wonderful. OP, I suggest you read this. A lot of my depression came from my negative pattern of thinking.
Fill your mind with the Word of God Daily.

All of these suggestions from all of these ladies are on Point.

There is Light at the end of this tunnel!
These ladies have given great advice..

Also, try to seek out supportive women of God to talk to - whether through prayer meetings, small groups, or just hanging and/or talking on the phone. God intended the body of Christ to bear each other's burdens and lift each other up; we're not meant to go it alone, we were created for relationship with God and others. He also says that where two or more are gathered in His name, there He is in the midst.

There have been many times I was feeling helpless and alone and I pushed myself to attend a church-related fellowship activity and left incredibly encouraged. There can be a tendency to pull away from other Christians when we feel lost or depressed but isolation is often the enemy's playground. There is an increased anointing for breakthrough in the Spirit when we pray, praise, and exhort the Word in unity.