I am finally embracing...


New Member
my shrinkage. Yes, I'm done fighting it and we are getting along great! No more stressing. I'm just lovin it and it loves me back. Now that I am not obsessed over leangth the shrinkage isnt a problem. For all you natural sistas out there, stop fighting the shrinkage and just let it be! Its still beautiful. I'll quote one of my hair idols so1913 "Shrinkage is only your hair trying to be closer to you..embrace it!" So liberating!
naturallady said:
my shrinkage. Yes, I'm done fighting it and we are getting along great! No more stressing. I'm just lovin it and it loves me back. Now that I am not obsessed over leangth the shrinkage isnt a problem. For all you natural sistas out there, stop fighting the shrinkage and just let it be! Its still beautiful. I'll quote one of my hair idols so1913 "Shrinkage is only your hair trying to be closer to you..embrace it!" So liberating!


This is great! I sure did need to read this. My shrinkage is no joke. Thanks for posting.
naturallady said:
my shrinkage. Yes, I'm done fighting it and we are getting along great! No more stressing. I'm just lovin it and it loves me back. Now that I am not obsessed over leangth the shrinkage isnt a problem. For all you natural sistas out there, stop fighting the shrinkage and just let it be! Its still beautiful. I'll quote one of my hair idols so1913 "Shrinkage is only your hair trying to be closer to you..embrace it!" So liberating!

Awww...that's great. It really does make handling natural hair 10 times easier when you work WITH it instead of against it :)
so1913 said:
Awww...that's great. It really does make handling natural hair 10 times easier when you work WITH it instead of against it :)

So True! Once I started working with it I began to love it!

Goodie! I know that I had to embrace mine because I don't know what to do to make it not shrink. I just do twists or shake and gos, and I simply have lots of shrinkage. I accept it because it is what it is.

I had less shrinkage yesterday because I didn't rinse my hair, and my SO was like "wow, you're right--your hair IS growning!" :lol:
lovelymissyoli said:
Once I chopped I learned to love shrinkage. Without it I wouldn't be able to twist my hair or wear a fro!

OMG: Your fro is georgous. I LOVE it! :love:
Cheleigh said:
OMG: Your fro is georgous. I LOVE it! :love:
Ditto! Check out lovelymissyoli updated album! Her natural hair is fierce!

My shrinkage is no joke either. It looks as if my hair isn't growing at all.
Thanks for the post naturallady, I needed to know at least I'm not the only one.
lovelymissyoli said:
Once I chopped I learned to love shrinkage. Without it I wouldn't be able to twist my hair or wear a fro!

See, my twists don't hold very well, particularly towards the top/front :-( That's why it bugs me a little when people fight with and talk negatively about their shrinkage factor. I think "Girl, don't you know what you have or what you can do to your hair with that?!?!" It definitely aids in holding many natural styles.

Like naturallylady quoted, it really is only your hair trying to get closer to you ;)
Cheleigh said:
OMG: Your fro is georgous. I LOVE it! :love:

Thanks Cheleigh! I had to take my twists down so I could wear it again. I think I'm hooked! :p

MzTami said:
Ditto! Check out lovelymissyoli updated album! Her natural hair is fierce!

My shrinkage is no joke either. It looks as if my hair isn't growing at all.
Thanks for the post naturallady, I needed to know at least I'm not the only one.

Thanks MzTami :kiss: ! Now I've been stalking --- I mean visiting your album for updates. I know you've probably got some crazy growth and a fierce fro to match!
MzTami said:
Ditto! Check out lovelymissyoli updated album! Her natural hair is fierce!

My shrinkage is no joke either. It looks as if my hair isn't growing at all.
Thanks for the post naturallady, I needed to know at least I'm not the only one.

Yes, her hair is incredible, just beautiful!
I am slowly adjusting to my shrinkage and have found that it has its advantages. Like when I'm wearing braids I do not like to braid the hair in my widows peak or at my nape b/c it feels too tight. So shrinkage helps b/c the unbraided pieces of hair coil on up and aren't as obvious.
Shrinkage is my secret weapon. Folks really don't have an idea of how long my hair really is. I am going to flat iron later in the year. Folks will be saying dang your hair is long. :lol:
Country gal said:
Shrinkage is my secret weapon. Folks really don't have an idea of how long my hair really is. I am going to flat iron later in the year. Folks will be saying dang your hair is long. :lol:

Oooh yes! That's the best part. It's always a nice surprise...:lol:
Country gal said:
Shrinkage is my secret weapon. Folks really don't have an idea of how long my hair really is. I am going to flat iron later in the year. Folks will be saying dang your hair is long. :lol:

I used to always get that when I straightened my hair lol. CG your hair is coming along real nice mami, WTG

As for shrinkage, it is what it is. Gotta love it :grin: