i cant do it anymore!!!


Well-Known Member
every time i moisture and seal i feel the difference in textures and i start to freak out at how thick my NG is compared to my relaxed and rethinking about transitioning. but then i think is my NG thick or is my relaxed hair thin? PERSONALLY FOR ME (before we get a heated argument) my relaxed hair is very boring and limp and lifeless so on top of a relaxer id have to put heat on it to curl and when i did no heat methods it never came out the way i wanted it to because i couldnt control the curls. so should i BC and take care of my natural hair or wait a little longer? iv been told natural hair thrives and grows faster without a relaxer in its way. i am soo tired of my relaxed hair knotting up but idk if i can do short hair! for the ladies who did the BC was the thickness overwhelming?? thats my main concern!:perplexed
every time i moisture and seal i feel the difference in textures and i start to freak out at how thick my NG is compared to my relaxed and rethinking about transitioning. but then i think is my NG thick or is my relaxed hair thin?

I don't know what your hair looks like, but I would guess your NG is thick. :lachen: I could be wrong though.

I always get like that too when I have a lot of NG too because my relaxed hair looks so pitiful next to it. But at the end of the day, I'm definitely not ready to transition.
If you're ready, go ahead. Do whatever makes you feel comfortable. Just don't freak out. It's ok. :bighug:
wash and DC (or cowash) detangle under running water with the jilbere shower comb

and a slippery condish or DC like silicon mix apply leave-in to soaking wet hair and strap

that NG down with a bandana. when it dries it will have that wave like texture but as

long as u don't fuss with it it will stay flat. ALWAYS strap it down at night with a silk

scarf. U can do it natural hair is worth the fight!
Your making me want to chop mine off and I'm not even transitioning, but I sure wish I was!
every time i moisture and seal i feel the difference in textures and i start to freak out at how thick my NG is compared to my relaxed and rethinking about transitioning. but then i think is my NG thick or is my relaxed hair thin? PERSONALLY FOR ME (before we get a heated argument) my relaxed hair is very boring and limp and lifeless so on top of a relaxer id have to put heat on it to curl and when i did no heat methods it never came out the way i wanted it to because i couldnt control the curls. so should i BC and take care of my natural hair or wait a little longer? iv been told natural hair thrives and grows faster without a relaxer in its way. i am soo tired of my relaxed hair knotting up but idk if i can do short hair! for the ladies who did the BC was the thickness overwhelming?? thats my main concern!:perplexed

First: You say heat-free methods give you uncontrollable curls; have you tried Curly Nicki's braid-n-curl or twist-n-curl (http://www.curlynikki.com/2008/10/as-promised-t-n-c-tutorial-is-here-d.html)? I find that as a fellow transitioner, I have to modify her methods a bit, using either flexi rods to curl ends up to new growth, or soft rollers (don't know the actual name of them...), curling all the way up to the scalp. I'm a 4a (I'm pretty sure I am, anyway...), and using either of these methods gives me uniform, voluminous curls, heat free.

Second: You say that your relaxed hair knots up; I had this issue big time for a while, until I discovered washing/conditioning in plaits. This makes detangling a breeze, as well as reducing knotting of relaxed hair.

Third: If you truly feel like the battle-of-the-textures is overwhelming, BC. The last thing you want to do after all this dedication to transitioning is get so frustrated with the two textures that you relax. That said, if you aren't totally sure about chopping, don't: you don't want to chop too soon and be totally disappointed and run back to a relaxer. The key is doing what you feel is best for you and your hair: at this point is ease of styling and uniform texture most important, or is length?

Hope you decide what's best for you and your hair, and if you do decide to BC, be sure to post plenty of pics!
