Is this the real Maxi-glide?

That's it, but I wouldn't buy from that seller. That ad sounds crazy. $99 for shipping:eek: 2 for $80 wth? Buy it now for $60? Which is it?

Ooooh I get it. He has it listed as 2 for $80 each = $160. So, buy it now for $60 + $99 for shipping = $159. That must be to evade ebay charges (the higher the selling price, minus shipping charges, the more you pay in seller fees). And you have to buy 2. So that's still $80 each, which is what they cost anyway ($79) so no deal here.
Sprung Great catch! I don't need two. I will look at another seller. Wheew girl you just prevented me from slipping! Thank you!:D
s_terry said:
Sprung Great catch! I don't need two. I will look at another seller. Wheew girl you just prevented me from slipping! Thank you!:D

No problem;) Girl you will get caught UP on ebay if you don't read every single detail! :lol: By nature I'm one of those overly observant people who gets on peoples nerves because they just want me to hurry up and sign and I'm reading every single detail in the fine print, I don't care if it's 19 pages and I signed the same thing yesterday :lol:

$80 is the normal price, I'd think on ebay you might find a deal though. I paid $79 for mine from the original informercial website.
I bought mine at Linens and Things. I think I only paid like 60 something for it though. I had a coupon. But since it's Ebay you better not pay full price!