Just sealed my ends


New Member
Hi I just sealed my ends for the first time using the Hair lady method and Den 1. Well my hair is still damp but my ends feel great. I hope this works Den1 I am so tired of my hair shedding like crazy! lol For all those who have not tried it you should it. 2 minutes and I was done! I did mine with the curling iron and foil.
Hello KKing7777,
I'm glad you tried the ends sealing technique and I'm sure you'll have a lot of success with it. This is the only thing that stopped my ends shedding, I have Robin to thank for this, she is great.
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fletgee said:
Ok, I'm hyped. How is it done? Thanks.

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This is how its done

Hair lady-Robin Woods Sealing The Ends Tip

"This is what I call 'ends sealing'. I have used this technique on myself and the clients whose hair I braid. After conditioning &amp; towel squeezing, I section the hair and apply a medium sized amount of pressing oil (Use a light oil) I fold aluminum foil around the ends. (half way up the hair section most of the time) then I take a hot non-electric bumper curlers or flat iron and clamp it over the aluminum foil for 5-7 seconds. I make sure I only cover the aluminum not the hair. Then I keep the foil on until it's cooled. This will help a great deal with your ends if your ends have been constantly dry. The ends will soon stop shedding because you're locking in moisture down to the cortex". (www.growafrohairlong.com)
I've never heard of this technique before. Can it be done with relaxed hair. If so, how would you go about completely drying and straightening relaxed hair? Thanks in advance.
I tried it and I definitely noticed a difference.. I did it then air dried. How often should it be done though?

Thanks for the info. This sounds like something I could do. Hmmm..I see me, foil, a flat iron and jojoba oil..sounds like a winner! Don't mind me, I am on a jojoba trip. I love the stuff!
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RabiaElaine said:
I've never heard of this technique before. Can it be done with relaxed hair. If so, how would you go about completely drying and straightening relaxed hair?

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Yes, the lady who devised this technique has relaxed hair, i'm a natural who chooses to air dry my hair four-six braids and wrap a satin like, scarf around my hair. For more information please refer to these links

Hmm. so this foil and curling iron method of ya ends works, eh? Well i got some Doo Grow mega hair thickening grease and i was wondering if this will be ok for my ends cause they are a bit c-through. Its growing since i've had them in the twists but my ends are thin. I'm afraid once i go to hairdresser she gone cut it off and i feel like im back to the same length i was b4. :^P i wanna try 2 save them b4 that. hehe
kking, congratulations on your successful end sealing!!

I used to do this all the time (I used Ultra Sheen creme satin-pres on the ends and it really does work well) but in an effort to simplify my regimen I stopped doing it. I'm gonna try to fit it in at least every two weeks.
i'm not asking anyone in particular, but is it true that you cant grow no-lye relaxed hair?? i just read the growafrohairlong page and thats what she says....
This is to anyone that has had success sealing ends. I went on the website about sealing ends...however I am still confused about the process. I have relaxed hair and normally rollerset my hair to dry. Can I still do this after sealing the ends with a curling iron, or will they be dry already?
After sealing the ends, I'd either roller set or wrap my hair. The heat from the curling iron doesn't completely dry the ends so they're still damp. You're just clamping on the curling iron for about five seconds.

I guess you could spray a little water or leave-in conditioner on the ends if they felt dry.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
gvsugirl said:
i'm not asking anyone in particular, but is it true that you cant grow no-lye relaxed hair?? i just read the growafrohairlong page and thats what she says....

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My hair growing---Mizani No-Lye. No-lye is suppose to be a little more drying on the hair. I just added more moisture/oils to my regimen. But I would love for someone to post pictures of before/after.