LHCF Dictionary...


New Member
Ladies -
There needs to be a hair care forum dictionary for newbies(like myself)that include all the meanings of the terms you guys use on this site such as:
wet bun
braid out
ponytail set
and any other ones that can help a guest on our site understand our lingo!!! Now don't be shy, all contributions are welcomed as long as the meaning is attached - this thread is officially open...


Hair Coach
Here's a good link for people who might be confused about some of the abbreviations that are used here. For example:

<ul type="square"> [*] IMO= in my opinion
[*]IIRC =if I rememer correctly
[*]TWA= teeny weeny afro
[*]TIA= thanks in advance
[*]HTH= hope this helps [/list]

They have many other meanings there too!

Net Lingo



New Member
A LHCF dictionary was mentioned some time ago. The problem is that it's a daunting task for one person to tackle on their own. If people want to get together and make a list of entries for a dictionary that would be great. We could just have Nikos add the finished product to the forum for all to refer to when need be.