Main Page Problem

Ms Red

Well-Known Member

When I go to the main LHCF page which lists all of the forums as well as the most recent threads, these are not up-to-date. For instance, when I logged in today and was directed to the main page, I noticed that Allandra's thread 'Request 2' had been updated this morning at 6:28 am, according to the main page but when I clicked on the arrow and went to the page, the latest post in the thread was last night.

Also, some threads in Off topic (non-poll threads) look like they have been bumped up but when you actually enter the thread, the latest post was 2 days ago. The main page listing all forums and recent threads has been the same for 2 or 3 days. It usually changes within the hour and reflects actual real-time.

I have attached a screen shot of what I'm talking about (see the 'Last Post' column that includes Allandra's thread- which was not updated today at 6:28 am. This is the main page that has not changed in the last 3 days) Can this be fixed?

Thank you.

ETA: I figured out how to submit a ticket for this.