Man of God UPDATE


Well-Known Member
I shared with many of you the dilemna that I felt regarding a man of God that I was very close to...

I also expressed my concern about where him coming in town would leave me emotionally....Well here is the update:

I completely understand why Jeremiah 17:9 says "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure.
Who can understand it? " and how important it is not to rely on your emotions to make decisions. This situation over the past year has evoked many emotions in me, as well as this weekend....but after praying, reflecting, and talking to are the bottom lines.

1) Spending time with him face to face made me realize that I was no where close to being "in love" but I had really just become attached to the "idea" of what he was.
Transforming our friendship to a relationship would take waaaay more work and need to overcome waaay more barriers than I realized and to be honest...I wasnt really feeling him in that way and we def. didnt have that type of chemistry... Weird hunh? :ohwell: I guess thats a decietful heart for ya...or just an overactive

2) After asking God's permission to do so, I finally asked him after he returned home if he thought that perhaps God had brought us together for a romantic purpose. I guess the feeling in 1) finally gave me the courage to do so. He said the thought crossed his mind at some point very briefly, but that for the past two years he simply hadnt looked at me that way.

Well ladies...I was elated and felt so much freedom from those words! The confusion was lifted....the clarity of those words brought so much peace in my life. I really cant explain why....I guess thats why God says its peace that passes all understanding. All this time, I just really wanted to know how he felt... I didnt want a relationship...I didnt want things to change...I just wanted to know and now I do. I feel FREEDOM!! Ye shall now the truth and the truth shall set you free....Praise God.

To be clear though, I am not striking him off the list as a potential life partner. Who knows? It could happen. But I do realize that if it does happen its going to be a 100% God thing...He would have to orchestrate each step. I am not going to be concerned or worried about it though. I am seeking God's will for my life above all. I want who God has ordained for me as a husband in his timing....I feel like I have finally truly truly aligned my desires with His in this area..and my feelings are finally subjected to my Spirit...and reality of course...LOL

So I just want to say thank you ladies...for your words of encouragement and seeing me through a trying situation...please continue to keep me in your I navigate this world of singleness! :)

Love you!
brownsugarflyygirl said:
I shared with many of you the dilemna that I felt regarding a man of God that I was very close to...

I also expressed my concern about where him coming in town would leave me emotionally....Well here is the update:

I completely understand why Jeremiah 17:9 says "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure.
Who can understand it? " and how important it is not to rely on your emotions to make decisions. This situation over the past year has evoked many emotions in me, as well as this weekend....but after praying, reflecting, and talking to are the bottom lines.

1) Spending time with him face to face made me realize that I was no where close to being "in love" but I had really just become attached to the "idea" of what he was.
Transforming our friendship to a relationship would take waaaay more work and need to overcome waaay more barriers than I realized and to be honest...I wasnt really feeling him in that way and we def. didnt have that type of chemistry... Weird hunh? :ohwell: I guess thats a decietful heart for ya...or just an overactive

2) After asking God's permission to do so, I finally asked him after he returned home if he thought that perhaps God had brought us together for a romantic purpose. I guess the feeling in 1) finally gave me the courage to do so. He said the thought crossed his mind at some point very briefly, but that for the past two years he simply hadnt looked at me that way.

Well ladies...I was elated and felt so much freedom from those words! The confusion was lifted....the clarity of those words brought so much peace in my life. I really cant explain why....I guess thats why God says its peace that passes all understanding. All this time, I just really wanted to know how he felt... I didnt want a relationship...I didnt want things to change...I just wanted to know and now I do. I feel FREEDOM!! Ye shall now the truth and the truth shall set you free....Praise God.

To be clear though, I am not striking him off the list as a potential life partner. Who knows? It could happen. But I do realize that if it does happen its going to be a 100% God thing...He would have to orchestrate each step. I am not going to be concerned or worried about it though. I am seeking God's will for my life above all. I want who God has ordained for me as a husband in his timing....I feel like I have finally truly truly aligned my desires with His in this area..and my feelings are finally subjected to my Spirit...and reality of course...LOL

So I just want to say thank you ladies...for your words of encouragement and seeing me through a trying situation...please continue to keep me in your I navigate this world of singleness! :)

Love you!

Thank-you for that wonderful update, and I praise God that you are able to put this behind you and move forward! May God rain abundant blessings upon you, sweetie! :kiss: