My CO Wash Experiment



First I put Suave Professionals Humectant on my dry hair, and left it in for about 20min, then i went in the shower and rinsed it out, and then applied Affirm 5 in 1 on my wet hair, left it in while I showered and ... then I rinsed it out.

The result, no shedding during the comb out, soft new growth and nice slip. Just wanted to share!

Ballet Bun ...
Wonderful results ballet bun. I have a 32oz bottle of the Affirm 5n1 and I will be trying co washes when the weather warms up. It is 5am where I am at now and I wash my hair around 7pm last night and it is still damp. I have the hardest time with my hair airdrying.
But I just love airdrying and hopefully when the weather warms up it will dry quicker. Even when I go to the hair salon it takes forever under the hooded dryer..sigh
Have you tried letting it airdry with a towel wrapped around your head for a while, then airdrying it as you normally would? I tried this last week and it cut down on the drying time.

Ballet Bun ...
Pradalover: Thank you ... my husband says thank you too!

Lunalight7: Thanks ... I still haven't made it too the fabric store. Well, actually I did this weekend, but it was the small one , and they didn't have satin ...
... Bad "Bernina Sy Senter" ... bad

Can you tell I'm excited to get started on some other things!!!

Ballet Bun ..