My grey hairs grow straight with no curl pattern - anyone else have this?


New Member
I have a twa and my hair has just started growing. I have tightly coiled hair, basically shed hair looks exactly like the 'O' on your keyboard but I have noticed my grey hairs seem to grow straight up with no curl at all. has anyone else noticed this?
I don't have grays yet, but one of my BFFs is probably a 3a/b and her grays come in straight and a bit more coarse.
Fo sho'! The texture is completely different. My greys are wiry and rebellious. They are no match henna though. I hennaed for the first time last weekend. Those bad boys are falling in line with rest..for now...
Yes there is definitely a curl pattern shift with the gray hairs. I henna as well but can't say whether they play nicer after henna because I wear my hair in twists most of the time. But they line up with the rest of the hair when I wear a twist out or any out style.
I have noticed that a few gray hairs are looser and thicker than my black hair.

I have a really long one on the side of my head that is much thicker than the rest of my gray and regular hairs, really white, and looks plastic. It's weird.
Mine are a lot straighter than the rest of my hair, thicker, and grow so much faster, lol. I have some really long ones and they have very little curl pattern, like a little curl here and there as you go down the strand. If only the rest of my hair could be so strong, thick, an quick growing. Luckily for me they're on the top of my head towards the front so everyone can notice them. :|