My hair oil for my body


New Member
This morning i didn't have any cream to use on my body, so i stood there thinking what can i use. I saw my coconut oil that i usualy use for my hair and after one application on my skin i thought voila i've converted.

The oil felt so good as i smoothed it over my legs, it wasn't too greasy and it made my skin glow, now my skin looks and feels moisterised and its cheaper than my body cream - what more could a girl want?!!!

Im going to keep trying it out and see how my skin does and maybe venture through other oils.

What oils do you use for your body? Do you use it for your hair? What difference does using the oil have on your skin compared to using creams?
During the colder months, I use baby oil or baby oil gel on my skin right after I shower while my skin is still wet. My skin feels like heaven afterwards, but of course I don't use these products in my hair :lachen:.

Hmmm. Maybe I should invest in some coconut oil for a hair and skin one-two punch :yep:! Where did you buy your's from?

ETA - I find that my skin stays moisturized throughout the day when I use the baby oil instead of a lotion.
My daughter uses shealoe butter and it keeps her skin nice and moist especially in the winter months. I need to use it myself
All you carrier oils are good for your body as well as your hair and some of your essentials such as lemongrass, grape, etc. are a nice fragrance to add with them.

I use almond, jojoba and some lemongrass and lemon essential oil on lightly damp skin when I get out of the shower.

It makes a huge difference during the day. Keeps my skin soft. I can tell when I have not used it.

Sometimes I will even place a fragrant essential oil in my shaealoe and use that for my body. I love mixing them up.

I can no longer use just plain lotion for my skin, it isn't enough.
My daughter uses shealoe butter and it keeps her skin nice and moist especially in the winter months. I need to use it myself

I just got a big tub of this so I can take care of my ashy skin. This weather has my skin going bananas. I'm about to start sealing it with some oil.
I use the same things on my hair and skin. Right now, I am using a olive butter that I softened up with camellia, jojoba, monoi and avocado oils and infused with burdock, rosemary, nettle, rose petal, honey, irish moss and rhaussoul clay. I infused by putting the powdered herbs in a gauze drawstring baggie. In the summer, I use oils as butters are too heavy. Now, that it is cold, I am back to using butter.
During the colder months, I use baby oil or baby oil gel on my skin right after I shower while my skin is still wet. My skin feels like heaven afterwards, but of course I don't use these products in my hair :lachen:.

Hmmm. Maybe I should invest in some coconut oil for a hair and skin one-two punch :yep:! Where did you buy your's from?

ETA - I find that my skin stays moisturized throughout the day when I use the baby oil instead of a lotion.

I got mine from Paks, a hair and beauty store here in the UK.
I did this with some vatka oil one day. I had some on my hand from putting it in my hair. I rubbed it on my legs and they were shiney and it wasn't greasy feeling or greasin looking. I think coconut oil moisturizes your skin too. I read that some where.:yep:
Quick question .

Do the oils and butters still leave you skin shiny the next day and not dry as dirt like all lotions lol.

Shealoe is really good i have started using it on my and my kids faces in the morning beforei take them to school .

Never thought to put it on our bodies though i use shea butteron there bodys.