My last 10 en 1 rave...I cant get enough!


New Member
Two days ago I decided to Aphogee. I washes the hair gently with Nexxus Therappe, then I did the Aphogee treatment. Next, I used the Aphogee treatment, followed by a helping of 10 en 1 for about 2 hours. After I rinsed, I applied some Humectress (that is now being neglected cuz of my new fav. conditoner), washed my make-up brushes, then rinsed it out. I applied my Infusium 23 and then good ole' Giovanni's Direct. I rollerset then pin curled my hair and look how it turned out!


Your hair is looking gorgeous!! It's coming along nicely:). Keep up the great work. Myself is startiing to fall inlove with Dominican hair products. I don't know what took me so long to try them. I just finished raiding my local BSS store and I end up leaving the store with Miss Key Super conditioner 10 en 1, Nourel Laboratorios Wheat Germ vegetable protein conditioning cream, Nacidit Avocado Rinse, Tropical Carrot conditioner Rinse, Superior de Greit ' Oil Natural shampoo 12 en 1, Lacio Lacio and Silicon Mix shampoo hidratante (dry, damaged hair). I can't wait to try them all.:look:
Very pretty lady! This thread is timely b/c a friend of mine bought some 10 en 1 for me, and I was wondering about how I would use it and the effects it would have on my hair. I may give a whirl on Monday...
Go head girl ! That is a pretty rollerset ! You have got your system down and your hair is responding very well to your methods !
I used the super conditioner, but I would like to know more about the rinse. Anyone know the difference? I'm about to order the 16 oz super conditioner cuz I can't get enough!

prettygrl said:

do you use the 10 en 1 rinse or the super conditioner?

Last night I did a clarifying shampoo followed by 10-en-1. After I rinsed my hair the last time,while it was still sort of dripping, I "rinsed" with olive oil. Then, I squeezed out all the excess water/oil, then followed with infusium and giovanni's. Y'all my hair is so moisturized. I can feel it bounce!!! My hair never bounces!!! Wooo Hooo...LHCF has taken my hair to new heights!!!