my tangent


New Member
I want one of those ionic blowdryers but they are so much more expensive than the regular ones! So I am going to wait until after tax returns. Anyway, in an attempt not to use my blowdryer I set my hair on rollers and let it airdry but the roots were so wavvvvvy :perplexed So I flatironed them and wrapped my hair and tied it up with a silk scarf. Wowwwww!!! My hair is so smooth and sleek.
You should try it.
That's all :lol:
That's what I do with my hair with every wash. It does work, doesn't it. (But, the closer I get to touch-up time, it gets a little harder to prevent my root from reverting)

I just bought one of those Andis 1875 watt dryers that everyone raved about in a recent thread and it was not that expensive. You can get one on Ebay, too.