Newbie/Flat Iron Question


New Member
Hi! I am a newbie, and for the first time in like 5 years, I am getting a flat iron. However, I do have questions about taking care of it.

1. How do I moisturize? Do I do it every night, or less than that so I don't weigh my hair down?
2.Should I always seal it?

Mostly, I just don't know if I should use any products while having my hair down. Before my hair journey, I would grease and brush it every night. I'm really excited, because since I started this journey, my hair has been healthier, and I cannot wait to see the true length.
Hi! I am a newbie, and for the first time in like 5 years, I am getting a flat iron. However, I do have questions about taking care of it.

1. How do I moisturize? Do I do it every night, or less than that so I don't weigh my hair down?

If my hair needs moisture, I moisturize. If it doesn't, I leave it alone. Lately I've been finding that if I deep condition then moisturize and seal it with a grease a oil, I'm okay until my next wash day (about 3-4 days later.)

2.Should I always seal it?

Yes :)

Mostly, I just don't know if I should use any products while having my hair down. Before my hair journey, I would grease and brush it every night. I'm really excited, because since I started this journey, my hair has been healthier, and I cannot wait to see the true length.

Personally, I could never do the no product thing. My hair would feel dry as a bone. I need a little moisturizer, oil--something.
:wave: Welcome! :newbie:............. To answer your questions:

1. How do I moisturize? Do I do it every night, or less than that so I don't weigh my hair down?

It depends on your hair. If your hair is fine, then moisturizing every day may be a bit much and it'll weigh your hair down. A lot of members have found quality moisturizers that work for them, so they only moisturize every other day. It really depends on your hair. I would suggest using a little moisturizer daily to see how your hair likes it. You may even want to try baggying nightly :)

2.Should I always seal it?

This also depends on your hair. My hair personally doesn't like oils too much, so I don't seal and my hair is just fine. Just because everyone else is doing it, doesn't mean you should. You figure out what works for you. Try it out for about a week and see how your hair responds. There' nothing wrong with not sealing, if you don't want to :yep:

Mostly, I just don't know if I should use any products while having my hair down. Before my hair journey, I would grease and brush it every night. I'm really excited, because since I started this journey, my hair has been healthier, and I cannot wait to see the true length

You should definately have at least a leave in and a heat protectant in your hair if you plan to flat iron it. Your hair needs moisture and protection, especially if it's going to be exposed to direct heat and the elements. How often are you planning on flat ironing?
:welcome: on LHCF lady

1. How do I moisturize?
You can use Olive oil lotion moisturiser or olive oil moisturiser o Fantasia ic ice solid pomade

Do I do it every night, or less than that so I don't weigh my hair down?
yes every other night ( at little bit)

2.Should I always seal it?
U can with a tiny bit of oil in the ends of hair every day

:wave: Welcome! :newbie:............. To answer your questions:

1. How do I moisturize? Do I do it every night, or less than that so I don't weigh my hair down?

It depends on your hair. If your hair is fine, then moisturizing every day may be a bit much and it'll weigh your hair down. A lot of members have found quality moisturizers that work for them, so they only moisturize every other day. It really depends on your hair. I would suggest using a little moisturizer daily to see how your hair likes it. You may even want to try baggying nightly :)

2.Should I always seal it?

This also depends on your hair. My hair personally doesn't like oils too much, so I don't seal and my hair is just fine. Just because everyone else is doing it, doesn't mean you should. You figure out what works for you. Try it out for about a week and see how your hair responds. There' nothing wrong with not sealing, if you don't want to :yep:

Mostly, I just don't know if I should use any products while having my hair down. Before my hair journey, I would grease and brush it every night. I'm really excited, because since I started this journey, my hair has been healthier, and I cannot wait to see the true length

You should definately have at least a leave in and a heat protectant in your hair if you plan to flat iron it. Your hair needs moisture and protection, especially if it's going to be exposed to direct heat and the elements. How often are you planning on flat ironing?

Thank you! I plan on flat ironing twice a month.