ORS Loc and Twist gel...


Well-Known Member
Did a search and found info about the gel within OTHER topics but I wanted it to have it's own. That way people can have a direct reference.

I picked some of this up yesterday because I wanted to flat twist my hair in the front and have TST in the back and wanted to try something different.

I washed and conditioned and DC my hair. And then i put my hair in two big cornrows so I could go out and fight to get my DD costume.

The idea was to let my hair slightly dry, while keeping it detangled and also stretching it. When I got home styling was a breeze and took all of 2 hours. Maybe a little bit over.

I LOVE this gel so far! I want to see how my hair is going to hold up when I take the twists out too. It has a very thin consistency. I am heavy handed so in drier parts of my hair I tended to saturate it to provide slip. I didn't note the smell but it didn't stink. My hair feels soft. My twists are the nicest they have been. They are twisted all the way to the root with no poofiness. This has never happened before. So I am really excited and if anyone is looking for a gel to twist their ahair you should try this. It's only like $4

It feels and looks like my twists are going to last awhile. So go out and get so naturals, and twistout braidout wearers.